Example sentences of "it do [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mind , it do n't make sense to me , an 'andsome feller like 'im not 'aving no wife .
2 Apparently the body , his body was making too much blood and the only way that he could release it was by building , by nosebleeds it do n't make sense does it ?
3 What do you mean , it do n't play demo tunes or anything
4 It do n't say moss !
5 And the other thing — now I think about it do n't call Clare Hall in Matson .
6 Cherishing port as a special occasion drink was certainly flattering , but it did rather inhibit sales .
7 Although the Labour Party was fragmented in its approach to foreign affairs , and slow to respond to events in Europe , it did strongly oppose Fascism and appeasement even before the 1937 Bournemouth Conference .
8 It did however have commitment and Goodwin 's fund-raising abilities .
9 One derivative , later named methisazone , attracted interest because it was shown in clinical trials in Madras , in 1963 , to prevent people exposed to smallpox during an epidemic from developing the disease , even though it did not hasten recovery once the disease had developed .
10 made trade unions completely immune from actions in tort , though it did not affect liability of individuals ;
11 When a repeat biopsy was taken in these patients it did not affect management and this practice , which has often been followed just to satisfy some definitions of coeliac disease , should be reviewed .
12 He knew how banal the question was as soon as he had asked it , but it did not affect Surere 's mood .
13 What was worse , within minutes people would be walking all over her back-breaking work — it did not bear thinking of .
14 It did not suggest Mr Beregovoy was involved .
15 It did not contain £3 million but it was , Yarranton said , a token of the Sports Council 's commitment to make the games ‘ a success story for Britain ’ .
16 While individual officers may indeed have been aware of this work , consideration of it did not form part of the policy-making .
17 In the same way , if , after an oral representation , the terms of the sale are reduced into writing which does not include the representation , this may indicate that it did not form part of the agreement .
18 A scheme of disendowment was voiced in 1395 , probably by Lollard sympathizers , though it did not reach Parliament , and in 1404 and 1410 proposals were put forward in Parliament for appropriating the temporalities of the clergy .
19 It did not displace status , it usurped it .
20 We opposed various stages of the Bill , regretting the fact that it did not cover consumer safety ; but , on Third Reading , I committed our party at the Dispatch Box — this was just before an election — to honouring the existence of the Office of Fair Trading and the appointment of John Methven as director general .
21 It did not strike Nicandra as odd that last night 's dinner dishes were still lying under the water into which flakes of soapsuds and hair were falling .
22 It did not deter Aunt Florence .
23 ( We only asked them to comment here if it did not meet expectations — either they all had low expectations or the conference was a high standard . )
24 It did not bother Haslam that he had to rely to a large degree on the expertise of others to perform his own job well .
25 It did not bother Mr Premadasa that he was disliked by most politicians , including many in his own party .
26 Bush rejected the campaign finance bill , the first such measure to have been approved by Congress in more than a decade of partisan dispute over the issue , on the grounds that it offered public subsidies to House and Senate candidates and because it did not eliminate donations from political action committees ( PACs ) .
27 It did not make sense to her .
28 It did not make sense , so she gave up thinking about it .
29 It did not make sense .
30 It did not make sense .
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