Example sentences of "it have [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But IBM immediately realized it faced a possible unexpected success , redesigned what was basically Univac 's machine for such mundane applications as payroll , and within five years became the leader in the computer industry , a position it has maintained to this day .
2 Although the executives of the rugby club were in favour of the earlier offer , the cricket club committee was firmly against it a stand it has maintained to this day .
3 Furthermore , he contests , costs at the company have gone up for the simple reason that it has moved into different areas of activity — IBM simply made the mistake of trying to be ‘ all things to all people ’ , and so will never be able to return to the profit levels of the mid-1980s .
4 Any movement of the mouse will change the pattern that the chip detects and it can instantly calculate how far it has moved in any direction .
5 For all the talk of ‘ cuts ’ , state spending on health has increased by nearly a third in real terms since 1979 , and as a share of total public spending it has moved from 14 per cent in 1978 — 9 to 16 per cent in 1988 — 9 .
6 Is my hon. Friend aware that my constituency is extremely attractive geographically for countries making inward investment in Britain and that it has prospered from such inward investment ?
7 In the five years between then and mid-October 1992 , it has grown to 543 billion , having been given a significant fillip by sterling 's withdrawal from the ERM on 16 September 1992 .
8 It has grown from local roots , with local volunteers and funding which makes it responsive and resilient .
9 Since the turn of the century , it has grown from 50,000 people to 14 million .
10 It is , however , sometimes imprudent for the investigating authority to release every scrap of information it has gained before all the implications are examined , in case more damage results .
11 What the creation of the Parisian chef ( his name is said to have been Philippe , owner of a restaurant in the rue Montorgueil ) has lost in splendour it has gained in ancient antecedents and a background which will make a godsend for publicity men , compilers of travel literature , and the experts in picturesque magazine cookery .
12 Despite its importance and grade II* listing , the treatment it has received in recent years has been disgraceful , and it is to be hoped a great many lessons will have been learnt about how to deal with irresponsible owners of such important listed buildings .
13 It would seem that the restoration profession has not been able to keep its nerve in the face of the rapidly growing attention it has received in recent years , and is reacting in an undisciplined way .
14 ‘ There 's a strange train on the line coming this way and it has run through all the fogs without setting them off . ’
15 It has run into serious problems .
16 The painting will remain , under the in lieu in situ provision of British law , in the state rooms of the great eighteenth-century Norfolk house where it has hung since 1769 .
17 It has risen by 30 per cent in our period of office . ’
18 In fact , it has risen by 2.5 percent , forcing the government to import about 7 per cent of its supply from France , Belgium and Germany , most of which originates in nuclear generation .
19 It has gone through several more face-lifts , and is now a thriving resort world , especially popular among the fast-moving , free spending hot burners of the galaxy .
20 Over the years it has gone on such a long time .
21 Most of it has gone to three institutions : the British Museum , RADA and the National Gallery of Ireland .
22 It has gone to German manufacturer ASI GmbH , and ASI will now supply products to the Tandon sales and marketing subsidiaries in Europe .
23 From its original base in Woolwich , it has expanded to several locations in south east London , each offering a wide range of teaching and recreational facilities in attractive surroundings .
24 In Scotland , concern has been expressed over the implications of studio closures and job losses , but it has met with soothing words from the BBC 's executives and from its political masters in government .
25 It has met at regular quarterly intervals since then and is possibly the oldest meeting of its kind in Ireland .
26 Each authority will be responding to its local conditions , the numbers of SSD homes it has kept in reserve to manage the market , the extent to which it has created quasi-independent trusts , and the number of private beds in its locality .
27 take proceedings at its own expense and for its own benefit , but in your name , or in the name of anyone else insured by this policy , to recover any payment it has made under this policy
28 take proceedings at its own expense and for its own benefit , but in your name , or in the name of anyone else insured by this policy , to recover any payment it has made under this policy
29 These substantial resources will enable the executive to continue the progress that it has made in recent years in improving housing conditions in Northern Ireland .
30 It is perhaps surprising that it has survived at all , yet there are pockets in this country where these lifetime associations are still meaningful .
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