Example sentences of "it have [vb pp] from a " in BNC.

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1 The teaching force , disillusioned and aggrieved at the treatment it has received from a succession of Secretaries of State , has been less willing in recent years to devote unpaid hours to community bridge-building .
2 There has been an enormous and very genuine outcry over the vast sums it has made from a virtual monopoly position .
3 By the second year , it had moved from a sectoral base to a country base , to help achieve cross-sector policy objectives .
4 The first indeed had presented itself as no more than vivid memory , though — if she were honest with herself — she would admit it had arisen from a kind of fear .
5 Furnas insisted that the most recent stoppage was for routine maintenance until Greenpeace made public information about the incident that it had received from a worker at the plant , later confirmed by the Brazilian nuclear energy commission .
6 It had fallen from a high point of $90 per tonne to as low as $30 per tonne .
7 The body was thrown off on to the track and the investigators with the exception of Sherlock Holmes were deceived into believing it had fallen from a carriage .
8 And she also reminded herself that even if it had included a kiss it did n't mean a thing — especially as it had come from a man who was living in the outback to get away from women .
9 It had come from a chateau outside Paris , as had some of the other beauties .
10 It had resulted from a merger between a Brighton Technical College and Brighton College of Art .
11 Innumerable times a whole Christian community has broken down because it had sprung from a wish dream .
12 I think it 's escaped from a farm .
13 There are some slight variations in it , and it 's come from a different U S mill and , for example , there are three items at the end which were required and you offered us six millimetres , they 're now six point three five millimetres , which is quarter inch , that 's fine , erm .
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