Example sentences of "it have [adv] [been] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Because the Left has not been sensitive to the established debates on the British constitution it has not been attentive to the potentialities for change which have flowed from the absence of legal and constitutional limits on Parliament .
2 It has not been one of those lives where people are rejected and say , ‘ I 'll show them . ’
3 Even in a country like India , where there is skilled manpower , it has not been easy to install enough new factories to keep pace with growing demand .
4 It has not been easy to establish the numbers of appointments — and hence fees paid out — for which clients engaged search consultants .
5 It has not been easy to pull this programme together in the prevailing economic climate , but we hope you will find much to enjoy and help blow away those recessionary blues …
6 In geomorphology , as in soil geography , it has not been easy to achieve representations of global spatial patterns based upon processes to succeed the long-established static morphological or structured landform regions .
7 It has not been easy — and he does not like to be crossed . ’
8 It has not been easy to change so quickly to the needs of a more demanding market place , but if your customers , staff or management have cause to complain of imprecise or unreliable temperature control equipment , of a poor maintenance record or of substandard temperatures at the point of consumption , we are the correct sector of engineering you require .
9 It has not been easy , Caroline , fulfilling all my commitments while staying close to the Princess 's side . ’
10 It has not been easy to do because we have never given guarantees before .
11 It has not been easy on three hours sleep a night .
12 In an interview last week on the French radio station France Inter 's RadioCom program , Alcatel Alsthom NV president Pierre Suard indicated he did not rule out taking a stake in France Telecom if the latter is privatised by the next administration : ‘ I do n't think the question has been posed today , but when it is , I can tell you that we will study it very seriously , ’ Suard said — ‘ It is essential that France Telecom has a structure that enables it to extend itself beyond France and I think that can come from a new shareholder ; there is industrial logic in the ‘ world 's number one manufacturer of telecommunications equipment ’ owning a stake in a telecommunications operator , ’ he added — ‘ It is the Anglo-Saxon logic ; AT&T is constructed on that basis , but up to now , it has not been European logic , ’ he said .
13 Although plastic pipe has been widely used for wastes and drains , until recently it has not been suitable for hot water .
14 ‘ I caused the party a great deal of anxiety over my views ’ he explained and added ‘ but strangely enough with this book it has not been such a struggle .
15 No doubt both the Department of Health and the Mental Health Act Commission will take notice of the Court 's opinion that the form for application for admission under section 2 ‘ does not direct the social worker 's attention to the desirability of obtaining a recommendation from a doctor who does know the past history , diagnosis and treatment of the patient and why it has not been practicable to do so . ’
16 IT HAS not been much of a week for Welsh politicians because the country 's resounding rejection of Mr Neil Kinnock has been followed by the decision of the International Rugby Board to ignore the reservations expressed by the Welsh Rugby Union and to hold the 1995 World Cup in South Africa .
17 In other pre-modern cultures , however , it has not been usual to give all this information .
18 It was cut out of conference papers and replaced with a notice slipped into the file saying : ‘ The proposed paper on the Aids monitor has unfortunately had to be withdrawn , since it has not been possible to synchronise the publication with the Health Education Authority 's own report on the 1988 data , expected in the near future . ’
19 The consumer has had little or no choice in the matter : without organic food widely available it has not been possible to choose to avoid creating nitrate pollution by avoiding conventionally grown crops ( in any case , organic farming can still create some nitrate pollution , see also below ) .
20 It has not been possible to pass the disease on to animals or to human volunteers by inoculation of the organism .
21 White and Wilson also comment : ‘ Within the case studies it has not been possible to examine closely the relationship ( if any exists ) between the use of information and personal or business effectiveness .
22 Felids produce the greatest amount of damage , so great that it has not been possible to obtain any bone samples large enough to quantify .
23 Rifts persistently occur within the human race , and one important cause could well be found in the tendency of human beings to group themselves together and rally around a particular banner for no other reason than to be able to identify another group as an ‘ enemy ’ upon whom can be laid the blame for hardship and misery suffered ; suffering which it has not been possible to attribute to any obvious cause .
24 Plans for this were made some years ago , but it has not been possible to proceed with them ( a ) because of lack of funds , and ( b ) because the personnel department has overall responsibility in all departments of the authority ’ …
25 In the judge 's view , the auditors should have said ‘ bills receivable include bills … payable by an overseas debtor the credit-worthiness of whom it has not been possible to verify ’ , and ‘ subject to satisfactory recovery of the monies , in our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view ’ .
26 The new chairman , Dr David Swallow , says that it has not been possible to ascertain the impact of these adjustments on the interim results for the six months ended 30 June 1991 , and the directors consider it would not be practical to restate those results .
27 However , in July 1986 Guinness announced that ‘ it has not been possible to reach agreement with Sir Thomas Risk and he will not now be invited to join the board , nor therefore be nominated as Non-Executive Chairman ’ .
28 By and large the original exhibition at Edinburgh has been well adapted to the diverse spaces at Kenwood , even if it has not been possible to make the large plaster reconstruction model , lent by the Museo della Civiltà Romana , Rome , still the focal centre of the show .
29 Until recently , it has not been possible to use the Census to follow a particular group of people through their lives ( but see Fox and Goldblatt above ) , but it is perfectly feasible to study the changing population structure of , say , a particular district .
30 Unfortunately , it has not been possible to trace these sherds in the museum collection .
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