Example sentences of "it will not [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Obviously it 'll not be done for the launch but he 's made a smart job of it it looks really smart done it in yellow , erm and really later on this week I 'm just tidying up , I 've got to go and see F I B just to make sure everything 's in place with them in the mounted section and really this time a week tomorrow it 'll be launched .
2 That was a scandalous neglect of the interests of those customers and it will not be repeated under this Government .
3 Science must pursue its course secure in the knowledge that it will not be challenged by dogmatic superstition posing as religion , and religion , for its part , must be able to develop unthreatened by science .
4 It will not be desired to find all people who absent themselves without leave .
5 If an author is unaware of another 's work , or of its relevance , it will not be cited .
6 It will not be increased and will close 21 days from the date of posting the offer document unless it has become or declared unconditional as to acceptances .
7 Your time is much more limited than it would be in a real case , and you can not afford to waste it ; on the other hand , it is no use gabbling what you have to say , for then it will not be understood .
8 As this has been discussed in section 5.3.1 , it will not be examined again in this section , which will concentrate on the local , though widespread , environmental change that occurs as a result of tropical deforestation and its often adverse economic consequences .
9 Unisys basically feels however that with its price-performance and coming enhancements there is a lot of life left in the 80486 and that it will not be replaced immediately by Pentium , more the meat of early adopters , than the usual customer .
10 Unisys basically feels however that with its price/performance and coming enhancements there is a lot of life left in the 80486 and that it will not be replaced immediately by Pentium , more the meat of early adopters , than the usual customer .
11 It will not be filled as full later so if it can withstand the water pressure when full , it will be safe .
12 But members of the fund-raising committee now believe it will not be run as they had hoped .
13 LADY JONES : Sure it will not be delayed by you , madam , more than needs .
14 Equation ( 6.3 ) for randomization to individual addresses is : Let the number of buckets be B ; then during a single address calculation each bucket location has a probability of being generated of ( 1/B ) , and a probability ( 1 — 1/B ) that it will not be generated .
15 It will not be levied on fuels for export , non-fuel uses of fossil fuels , or renewable sources like solar , geothermal , wind or biomass energy .
16 And it will not be maintained really unless that sort of effort is put in throughout the year .
17 ‘ the notion of public interest has its limitations and in many cases it will not be served by dissemination of information about a person charged with a criminal offence or it must yield to the need to secure a fair trial for such a person .
18 I have ordered dinner but it will not be served for another hour .
19 The problem is that the pool of liquid usually forms underneath the car , where it is both inconspicuous and difficult to get at , so the chances are that it will not be mopped up .
20 The benefit of TOGC treatment to Newco is that it will not be invoiced for VAT by the vendor on the purchase of the business .
21 Even on the government 's estimates , which may be too hopeful , it will not be achieved until 1995 — and meantime an election has to be held , by May next year .
22 However , although it will not be accepted , it will not in the ordinary course of events be anticipated .
23 This means that every word that the system can process has to be known beforehand , otherwise it will not be accepted .
24 Social perceptions of what is or is not obscene or indecent may change but the legislation may remain to trap the unwary in a much more liberal climate ; and just because the legislation has not been used in many years that does not mean it will not be applied again .
25 The initial verb + noun phrase combination shows in essence a property word extended by an entity word , and it therefore remains a ( complex ) property ; the adjective then further extends this property ; but because it is an adjective rather than an adverb , its own property is understood as applicable to the entity identified by the noun phrase , with the important reservation , demanded by the intensional structure , that it will not be applied to it unconditionally but only insofar as that entity stands in relation to the verb which accompanies it .
26 It will not be freed , because it will generate its own bosses from within .
27 Place the cage where it will not be disturbed and where direct sunlight can not fall on it .
28 The product will initially be available for FDDI only , but according to Mike Patricks , DEC 's wide area networking marketing manager , the switch is capable of accepting an Asynchronous Transfer Mode module , and its multi-switching capability means that it will not be limited to one device .
29 It is possible that time-gap experiences represent driving at the tactical level which is conducted without controlled processes being involved , the assumption here is the common one that unless a stimulus event receives conscious attention it will not be stored in long term memory ( e.g. Bargh , 1984 ; Broadbent , 1958 ; Moray , 1959 ; Shiffrin & Schneider , 1977 ) .
30 Even if reasonable steps have been taken to bring the exemption clause to the notice of the buyer , it will not be incorporated if it does not clearly cover the particular transaction in question .
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