Example sentences of "it be go [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 So again we do need to practise coordination it needs to have lots of practice , it is of course frequently affected by certain types of illnesses er and , and again that may be inevitable but again the more past experience you 've acquired and the more , the greater your ability to fight back , even though you 're fighting a losing battle if it 's an illness , can you see it 's going to delay the difficult bit the difficult part longer , you 're going to be able to cope .
2 You 've got three thousand people locally who 've their signatures to a petition who do n't want this thing on their doorstep because they 're worried that they 've tha that there 're going to be things wrong with it 's going to affect the quality of the lives of people in Selby .
3 Nor do I actually think it 's going to stop the Labour members of this council from continuing with their support .
4 You know I mean you 're wondering whether it 's going to blow the chimney pot off or all sorts of things .
5 I think we 've all got used to , with some products at least , asking questions about how green it is , whether it 's recycled paper , whether it 's going to destroy the ozone layer , as well as asking questions like what price is it , but if we 're going to decide whether one jar of coffee is fair-traded as opposed to another one , what questions do we need to kn know the answers to , to decide that .
6 It 's going to ruin the village and cut it off completely . ’
7 It 's going to put the erm actual availability up quite a bit of people having that fax there
8 Well it 's never going to go straight and it 's going to put the whole lot out is n't it ?
9 Most of it 's going to take the easy way short cut
10 : Fb The kind of erm cinema that will have being two-screens , it 's going to allow the sort of variety that probably the Regal in the past was n't able to give to them , because we can as a policy have a constantly erm a constant turnover of different films .
11 Where it 's going to cut the axes .
12 " It 's going to cost the earth to put it right .
13 I hardly dare mention traffic calming but it does seem to be the flavour of of the month at the moment but to see that the existing work doubled by and I know it 's going to cost the county erm this but if you do n't want to talk about the children and their crime it is er traffic calming it certainly is a and I do believe
14 It 's going to make the cost of the outing very expensive .
15 I think my relationship is a fairly normal one , but I do find myself bending over backwards not to erm use any of the sort of additional knowledge I have of education , and if there are things going on that perhaps I think that there might be better ways of doing it , then I bend over backwards not to give that kind of impression or to suggest it at all , because it seems to me that it 's going to make the relationship with the school or with the teachers erm a rather awkward one , and I do n't think it will good for my children .
16 It 's hard and it 's long and it 's going to separate the men from the boys . ’
17 ‘ If the team keep playing like that , it 's going to keep the door shut . ’
18 AEU convenor Brian Amer said : ‘ It 's going to secure the jobs in the plant . ’
19 If people start believing the stuff the nasty people tell them , it 's going to reduce the quality the life in the village .
20 Chairman if it 's possible for the , for the pelican crossing to be , to be moved from one place can we ask Mr if it 's going to help the local neighbourhood in any way , we ask Mr if that is done yesterday rather than a review and then coming back to us in due course , let's get on with it if it can be done .
21 If this is the way it is going to go the public will reject it , so it 's got to be done in a very humane and very human way .
22 I wonder if that is fair , even if it is going to ease the burden on hard-up viewers ?
23 It is going to cause the purist and the traditionalist to raise their hands in horror .
24 Er much reference has already been made to this er golden corridor between Leeds a and York and I I really fail to see th that it is going to pose the the threat that some people think it will and and the analysis that we 've carried carried out has has thrown up two two figures , one in the region of twenty er a need of twenty to twenty five hectares in what describe as a northern centre based on on Tadcaster and I think we acknowledge that er we may struggle to achieve those twenty to twenty five hectares in and around Tadcaster , partly because of greenbelt constraint and and partly because of other constraints .
25 It is going to reflect the
26 As the recession deepens , it is going to force the TECs into choosing between three undesirable options .
27 After several years of shake-outs and restructuring , the home computer market remains substantial — games software sales in Europe last year were worth about £200 million — but there is little sign that it is going to scoop the true potential of the consumer market .
28 It has impressed but it has to have the right tools if it is going to provide the safety that councillor referred to and the saving of life which was referred to by councillor .
29 The only certainty in this airline shake-out is that , ultimately , it is going to cost the traveller a lot .
30 Which would obviously be a necessary change to make if it was going to relieve the western bypass .
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