Example sentences of "it be [adj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 To overcome this barrier , I suggest , one must look at the approach in action ; only then will it be possible to see what it has achieved , and to assess what it might achieve if taken on its own terms .
2 And if this 6Mb does exist , would it be possible to recover it for general use ?
3 Nor would it be possible to refer him to any works of literature ( before the present one ) from which he could gain enlightenment .
4 If there was no shot in or among the human remains , in the cavities of the skull for instance , would it be possible to find it in the soil , among the sand and gravel and pine needles ?
5 Now , would n't it be possible to imagine someone who maintained both that motor cars were on our list of things that enhanced the quality of life and that travelling by motor car frequently took more time and demanded a greater outlay of labour than using various other means of transport ?
6 Also , would it be possible to have my cheque books , which at present are in the counterfoil format , in the smaller format from now on ?
7 but sure but but but surely there is also a lot to be said for I I mean you do n't go and buy a V W Golf G T I just because somebody says they make one and would n't it be good to have one ?
8 ‘ Would n't it be best to tell him the truth ?
9 ‘ There are , of course , ’ she said severely , ‘ but if you do n't know he went into one or other , would n't it be best to try something more general first ? ’
10 Would it be best to pull them into the alley ?
11 We do n't know what he 's like yet — would n't it be better to ask him for an odd Sunday first before we let ourselves in for a course of sermons ? ’
12 There are times when we need to ask ourselves if our use would actually justify a purchase , or might it be better to rent it ?
13 Then would it be better to send it to some central
14 Well would n't it be better to wrap it all up in the forms meeting .
15 and getting up and that would it be worthwhile buying him
16 So the recording will not even begin until the patient has reached that point in his memory which he wishes to explore and , should it be necessary to move him forwards or backwards within that regression , I simply place my hand over the microphone so that the technique is not recorded .
17 A properly signed and endorsed witness statement will carry more weight than a transcript should it be necessary to admit it under the Civil Evidence Act in the event of the witness being unable to give evidence at trial .
18 What will it be able to tell you then ?
19 Wo n't it be wonderful to have our own home at last ? ’
20 ‘ Would n't it be easier to install her in a flat ? ’
21 In previous years I have n't had a class on the and I thought I had one this year as an experiment and er , pardon me just a second hello yes , that was a little annoying to say the least , cos those students have come in specially for that , yeah , yeah yeah yeah yeah right Oh dear right certainly not well , would it be easier to show them in my office , that 's seven , seven , seven ?
22 And would n't it be easier to get their mummies and daddies on the programme to answer the questions ?
23 If physical integrity is so highly valued , would it be inappropriate to make it clear that an offence would be committed by any normal adult who failed to see an obvious risk of physical harm to another ?
24 Few of us have the time , training , or expertise to do this job properly , even if it were possible to do it for a population as small as 10 000 people — which it is not .
25 She peered at its various buttons and dials and wondered if it were possible to wreck it by unintentional mis-setting .
26 The hunger strike begun in November 1989 by imprisoned members of the extreme left Grupo de Resistencia Anti Fascista Primero de Octubre ( GRAPO — see p. 37588 ) continued throughout 1990 , although only about half of those who had started it were able to maintain it .
27 She hovered , shifting from foot to foot , wondering if it were fair to wake him up .
28 It being impossible to hit him with Marguerite looking on , Jenna slid into the passenger seat and kept silent .
29 The other gentleman to whom I referred , Mr. Williams , was deported some little while ago , it being cheaper to deport him than prosecute him for the gross fraud that he has perpetrated against the United Kingdom .
30 Was she used to being more intelligent than those she dealt with and it being inappropriate to show it ?
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