Example sentences of "it [vb pp] [that] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 CAB 's confidentiality had not been fully appreciated nor was it realised that the worker was there to supply information required , not to pass judgement on the client or to offer gratuitous advice based on their personal experiences or prejudices .
2 How and why is it intended that the Vendor 's liability should be increased by delivering an inaccurate Disclosure Letter ?
3 Many various-sized painted plaster images are on sale and quite a number with large pieces broken off are being brought back in torn imitation plastic leather bags , only to have it explained that the purchasers probably have not been confessing enough and absolution is only granted by their completing a 13-page questionnaire through which they get a special adhesive that breaks all mends .
4 Not only was it alleged that the manoeuvre had been a most un-British attack on civilian Boer settlements , overwhelming evidence emerged that it had been irresponsibly commanded with several floutings of elementary military precautions , so that the men who had died — my brother among them — had died quite needlessly .
5 The need for this clause was abrogated , however , with the passing of the SC Neronianum in AD 56 , for it provided that a legacy which was on technical grounds ( such as the one suggested ) invalid should be treated according to the interpretation applying to the most favourable kind of legacy , namely that per damnationem .
6 It provided that the cost of a benefit consisting of the provision of any service or facility which was also provided to the public ( i.e. , in-house benefits ) should be the price which the public paid for such facility or service .
7 During the course of the visit it was reported that US Secretary of State James Baker had made it known that the USA rejected recent suggestions that it should alter its deployment of nuclear weapons currently sited in South Korea as an inducement to North Korea to allow international inspection .
8 Propaganda by itself was insufficient ; they must involve themselves in social agitation and make it known that the republicans were involved :
9 She has the whip-hand for the first time since the cock-up over the separation when they had to apologise for making it known that the knives were out for the Duchess .
10 Only after an expensive study was it concluded that the steelwork used in the £240 million plant ( jointly owned with Exxon and inaugurated in October ) would not be susceptible to RFI .
11 How then is it contended that the courts have power to review the visitor 's decision as to the effect of the domestic law of the university in this case ?
12 There was particular resistance within the camp of the Official Unionist candidate in South Antrim and , not until the final pre-nomination meeting of coalition party leaders in the Seagoe Hotel , Portadown , was it confirmed that the point had been conceded even in that constituency .
13 Nor is it suggested that the smallholder should revert to primitive subsistence living , although he may need to give up some of the consumer society 's more expensive luxuries .
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