Example sentences of "it [vb past] a [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Generally in relation to the mortgage of movables , it recommended a simpler scheme , together ‘ with power to the lender to sell off the security in the event of the borrower failing to repay , after giving him due notice ’ .
2 It recommended a stronger role for local authorities coordinating a range of services provided by the private and voluntary sectors as well as by the local authorities themselves .
3 It embodied a further complication because the millions of souls to whom it was dedicated included political and military leaders convicted of war crimes and executed by the Allies .
4 The subsequent history of the town is confused ; by 1564 its trade was said to be in decline , and it sustained a further blow when William 's son retired to the fine house he had built at Shaw on the outskirts of the borough , leaving his men to sing ruefully :
5 In his excitement Yanto soaked himself in his effort to grab the fish before it found a deeper refuge .
6 It proposed a simpler statute abandoning many aspects of the previous draft , and it would be optional .
7 Party meetings continued to be held at the Carlton and it played a greater part in holding the party together when the Liberal Unionists joined .
8 None thought it deserved a higher chart placing .
9 It seemed a better idea than sitting in the village street for three hours .
10 It seemed a better idea this time .
11 She had joined the course at her parents ' insistence and while it was n't her idea of fun at the time it seemed a better alternative than being behind a typewriter .
12 It seemed a longer walk than usual from the bedroom , along the passage , down the stairs and into the living room .
13 The company recognised that it faced a greater problem in attracting the Kent-based ( Orpington ) staff to Stevenage than it had in persuading the north London staff to move — distance alone was an important consideration .
14 It was a mark of the respect Jimmy gained here that , when we ran an article about him in the Spring of 1977 in our Palace Programme , it evoked a larger response from our fans than any other in that series .
15 Last night , it shouldered a graver problem .
16 The Agenais and other territories were not restored immediately ; it needed a further war in 1326 and an agreement , concluded in March 1327 , to secure the restoration of those lands .
17 Though it packed a stronger punch in the north-eastern states , it wreaked greater havoc in the south .
18 Close by reared the immense domed bulk of the Palais de Justice , a complex so large it covered a greater area than St Peter 's in Rome .
19 It required a calmer appraisal of her predicament .
20 In much work that was to develop within the compass of physical geography , the chronology assumed a greater significance , it required a greater knowledge of existing and recently developed dating techniques , and it thus involved close liaison with other disciplines particularly geology , biology and archaeology amongst the broadening spectrum of the earth and environmental sciences .
21 It required a further hatti şerif a year later which recognised Miloš as hereditary Prince of Serbia , established a commission to settle the boundaries , and regularised the payment of the annual Serbian tribute to the Sultan .
22 It enabled a larger number of European countries to be included at the outset .
23 While there was , at least for Monnet and Schuman , an altruistic motive behind the scheme , it is clear that France found the idea attractive because it offered a better way than the International Ruhr Authority of binding the new West Germany to external control while it was still relatively weak .
24 Thus , as prices rose , the effective rate of duty fell : the amount yielded was the same , but it represented a smaller proportion of the value of the goods .
25 It took a fuller self-knowledge to do something effective about them .
26 Paula might look as if butter would n't melt in her mouth but when her mind was made up to something it took a stronger woman than Grace to talk her out of it .
27 And you think it gave a better meat because
28 It gave a better living standard to farmers , helped an area of the EEC economy which ( except for Holland ) was labour-intensive and inefficient , and it led the Community to grow more of its own food , guaranteeing supplies to consumers .
29 It gave a better light than the matches , and we all began to count .
30 Although it was more mundane than its northern contemporary , it had a greater influence on subsequent town planning because it was not conceived as industrial housing but as a genuine attempt to improve living conditions for the working classes and encourage independence .
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