Example sentences of "it [vb past] [adv prt] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But I am old-fashioned enough to dislike hearing it flung about in railway carriages by mixed school parties .
2 It darted out in front of her , as sudden as quicksilver , as Lisa was driving her rusty old Mini towards the exit of the sunlit hotel car park .
3 Well he does n't know where I live at the but it came up in court that he was going to take me to court for access , making it out as though it was my fault that he had n't seen Ricky , I was stopping him from seeing Ricky when it 's his own fault .
4 I am judging by the quality of the management , the leadership and the fact that Strathtay employees — the Hon. Gentleman knows this because it came out in Committee — are having funds deducted from their pay every week to make their contributions to buying the shares .
5 He said that last year the World bank derived a greater income from interest payments and debt repayments than it paid out in development aid and investment in the poorest countries .
6 They were soft scratchings or shufflings , like the sounds made by an animal as it sniffed about in search of food .
7 It called out in alarm , turned , raced back to where it had come from and then disappeared .
8 Mrs Thatcher insisted it would make more sense to wait and see how it worked out in practice before preparing moves to the more controversial second and third stages of EMU — including a central bank and a single currency .
9 The latter pointed out that , while there was a general process of restructuring , the way it worked out in practice was different from case to case and that therefore it was pointless to search for highly regular patterns .
10 It was one of the cleverest retorts of his childhood ; it went down in family history , and it won him — or so we are left to assume — readership of the novel .
11 It cried out in response ; a bellowing gargle of pain and hate and recognition .
12 It would n't be disastrous even if it gave out in mid-field , he adds .
13 Its role was to boost tourism in the region , but it ended up in debt to just those it was supposed to help .
14 We wanted to do clubs , but it ended up in City Halls and things .
15 It set off in pursuit of the Capri , but lost it about five miles away , outside the town of Forth in Lanarkshire .
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