Example sentences of "it [vb past] [prep] [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sixth sense for smack ; would n't know a Poussin if it moved in next door and fucked his daughter .
2 There was a silence for the first time it occurred to first form that the spider might of been put there on purpose , they looked at one another .
3 It seemed at first sight to be a chaos of struggling men and horses , a wild mêlée ; but soon it became apparent to the newcomers that it was in fact more like a whirlpool of activity , with the ambushed English , above whom the royal standard wavered uncertainly , in the centre , whilst their more numerous attackers circled round them , smiting and thrusting but apparently making only moderate impact .
4 But when Felicity arrived , three days later , it seemed at first glance as if she had lost every atom of her old charm .
5 It seemed at first glance that Louise was wearing a turban ; she had saved her day 's ration of flour and had made a poultice of it for a boil which had erupted on her temple ; her other boils seemed to be growing slightly better .
6 Trying to out-do the star-studded cast it assembled for last year 's Object World San Francisco , the Object Management Group has come up with Steve Jobs , NeXT Computer Inc chief executive ; Lee Reiswig , IBM Corp Personal Software Division president ; John Edwards , Novell Inc executive vice president ; Bud Tribble , NeXT co-founder and SunSoft Inc vice president User Systems ; Representative Edward Markey , chairman , the US House Telecommunication & Finance Committee ; Bo Hedfors , L M Ericsson Telefon AB chief technology officer ; Kurt Fischer , Pentagon director , Department of Defense Information and Elaine Bond , Chase Manhattan Bank vice-president .
7 It began in third grade , ’ said Dick …
8 It resulted in last year 's decision to close the European exploration headquarters in Glasgow with the transfer of key personnel to work from the main North Sea operational base in Aberdeen , a process which should be completed by the end of this year .
9 ‘ Not as bad as it looked on first assessment .
10 Oakenfold 's version of ‘ Cloud 8 ’ was the only well executed or timely attempt ( coming as it did during last summer 's mellow months ) , and is included on the four track limited edition giveaway , ‘ The Baby Album ’ .
11 The latest opinion polls are predicting that the National Front will get between 10 and 12 per cent of the vote — down both from the 14 per cent it won in last year 's regional elections and from Mr Le Pen 's own record score of 14.4 per cent in the 1988 presidential elections .
12 ACCIDENT & General has confirmed that the rate it quoted for last week 's travel insurance table which appeared on page 23 of the Money-Go-Round section of the newspaper should have been £17.90 for a two-week holiday in Europe rather than £14.70 .
13 He hurriedly wrote a long letter to The Times , which it published on 14th February , the Monday after the debate .
14 Americans , who also used the term " Edwardian Era " , would probably say that it ended on 2nd April 1917 , when the United States entered the war .
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