Example sentences of "it [vb past] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Jay sat on the white balcony , shaded from a Mediterranean sun burning off white walls , sparking off a turquoise sea where the bright sails of a skiff were silk balloons shot with dazzle , sparkles of pure light bursting behind the boat as it skimmed the perfect waters .
2 It concerned the toxic effects of atmospheric lead and was characterised by a series of comments like ‘ It 's claimed that even low levels of lead can cause brain damage ’ , ‘ It 's been difficult to get conclusive evidence ’ , ‘ There 's a whole lot of evidence ’ , ‘ Yes but there is conflicting evidence ’ , all delivered without any one of the four speakers actually providing figures to explain what the concern and disagreement was all about .
3 When the system worked at its best it realized the highest hopes : " The opportunity for college directors to purchase low-cost systems geared to institutional management , as well as to LEA or national data requirements , created a significant opportunity to improve strategic , tactical and operational management .
4 ‘ Do n't lie ! ’ she said bitterly , deeply hurt by his endless obsession with power because it attacked the very roots of her growing feelings for him .
5 But it laid the worst crimes at the door of the army , and recommended the dismissal of 40 serving officers .
6 He hugged himself against the sudden freezing wind then scrambled to his feet as it whipped the first drops of rain through the open door .
7 It solidified the tentative ideas that had been evolving in Whitehall since the drafting of the 1952 Global Strategy paper ; and it was , in many respects , ahead of thinking in Washington , where traditional military orthodoxy still held sway .
8 When it became the Combined Studies ( Creative and Performing Arts ) Board it set up its own panels , including , in November 1975 , a Movement and Dance Panel under the chairmanship of Peter Brinson .
9 The aircraft quivered when it penetrated the thin layers of cloud in its path .
10 It irrigated the vast areas of his knowledge , humours and concerns .
11 The insolent way she said it made the other girls gasp with astonishment .
12 It made the other planes droning around the dull sky look puny .
13 It made the following submissions in support of that argument .
14 It made the following recommendations :
15 It made the nifty moves a bit difficult .
16 This last provision was included in the enabling legislation to allow for representation of minority religious groups , but it made the triennial elections a running denominational sore and made the Boards particularly sensitive to pressure from minority interests .
17 It made the previous days seem like shallow , callow girls , all light and bright and ordinary .
18 One moment halfway up the straight it looked as if Eddery might have cut it too fine ; the next it was a question of how far he would win by , for this burst of speed was so decisive that it made the top horses in Europe look one-paced .
19 Leonora gripped a rail with white-knuckled hands when the boat bucked as it met the wilder waters of the sound .
20 This could be answered by scanning the whole file record by record , examining each to see whether it met the specified requirements .
21 On 4 December he took his leave of the observers from other Churches in a prayer service which scandalized a number of the bishops because it breached the old rules against communicatio in sacris .
22 It blessed the religious communities and thereby committed the Anglican Communion to an official acceptance of monks and nuns in a way which was so far unique to the Churches which came out of the Reformation .
23 In such a case , Lawson J held that the sale was a consumer sale so that the exclusion clause was void insofar as it excluded the implied conditions under the SGA 1979 .
24 America lavished $1 billion on Liberia in the 1980s , partly because it provided the freed slaves who settled the country last century , mainly because Liberia gave a home to a Voice of America transmitter , a navigation beacon , a relay station for diplomatic communications , and a huge airfield where arms could be discreetly trans-shipped .
25 The court concluded this part of its judgment by explaining why it regarded the discretionary powers of the trial judge as insufficient to safeguard against an abuse of the power of interrogation , and by stating , at p. 740 :
26 This time he grinned at her , a slow smile that made the breath catch in her throat , because it transformed the unyielding contours of his face into devilish charm .
27 Written by Dr Richard Mackarness , a psychiatrist at Basingstoke District Hospital , it described the good results of dietary change on a patient called ‘ Joanna ’ whose severe mental disturbance had been variously diagnosed as ‘ schizophrenia , schizo-affective psychosis , presenile dementia , temporal lobe epilepsy , neurotic depression and anxiety hysteria . ’
28 It described the earlier stages of development and nutrition in the womb of the mother .
29 It described the double rooms as having ‘ private bath , shower , W.C. and terrace . ’
30 Even before it proscribed the corresponding societies by law in 1799 , thus turning a decade of more open popular radicalism into a following one of underground conspiracy and plans for insurrection , the state had begun to take things very seriously indeed .
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