Example sentences of "it [vb past] [pron] to the " in BNC.

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1 Here is a passage of Thoreau which both demonstrates the creative process and also shows that it led him to the peak experience which he termed being charmed .
2 Working the 2 Step programme becomes progressively more relevant on a daily basis in the recognition that it provides such a superb philosophy of life than many recovering people come to consider that they were fortunate to have addictive disease because it led them to the 12 Step Programme .
3 I saw again the one that escaped the Grounds and died just before it made it to the stream .
4 Yanto Gates broke through the blackthorn hedge which separated the Severn bank from the adjacent Berkeley to Gloucester canal towpath , and surveyed the scene before him He loved this river , but tonight , bathed in this unusually bright moonlight , it moved him to the point of goose pimples .
5 Subtitled Diana Unclothed , it compared her to the Lady of Shallott , Greta Garbo , Sleeping Beauty and Mother Theresa .
6 Jordan had turned to Saudi Arabia for its oil supplies when it committed itself to the UN embargo on trade with Iraq and Kuwait [ see p. 37639 ] .
7 It hauled me to the ground with a thump and started mauling me on the back and neck . ’
8 It owed something to the atmosphere of Leo XIII 's innovation ( but even in 1893 Loisy , a leading French biblical scholar and modernist , had lost his chair at Paris , and an encyclical had been published affirming the complete inerrancy of the Bible ) .
9 Change was a mass movement ; it owed nothing to the puny efforts of the individual .
10 It adapted itself to the world in which it was being promulgated .
11 Meanwhile , a wide variety of courts administered a wide variety of laws all over western Europe ; and if one asked a man in any part of Europe to whose law he was subject , he might well have answered ‘ to my law ’ — for law was a personal thing , which a man might carry about with him ; it bound him to the courts to which his ancestors had been subject , to the laws of those courts , and gave him the privileges which those courts provided .
12 It guided him to the stairs , which were straight ahead .
13 At the time it shocked me to the core .
14 He had sailed to Ninfania from Illyria , in a big double bass of a galleon , with a prow carved like a volute , and it brought him to the shore in the harbour he then designated Ribaris , after the peak where the Ark had come to rest , once all the waters of the flood had drained out of the plughole of divine fury .
15 It brought you to the place and then
16 The court then went on to apply the law as it saw it to the facts of the case .
17 Ruth swung to see his eyes had changed to cold hostility and the set of his jaw was so damned determined it chilled her to the very marrow of her bones .
18 The man was such a devastating mixture , she thought hazily , outwardly so cold and enigmatic , but revealing in his kiss a passion so potent it thrilled her to the depths of her soul .
19 I got on the buses at Trafalgar Square , it took me to the other end and brought me back again , and I got down and got on another one .
20 It introduced him to the human race .
21 It introduced him to the bizarre situation that Churches treated each other worse than they treated anyone else ; and to the recognition that the reason for this was not religious but racial .
22 I 'm just you 're just making me think actually because I saw in one of the papers this morning erm a headline , if I can find it , it said something to the effect that — yes here it is , in the Independent , it says ‘ TV soaps are first to survive rescheduling ’ and it goes on to tell us that the British television schedules as we all know were the first casualties of war in the Gulf except for the nation 's daily diet of Australian soap .
23 This meant that he never fought them on his own terms , always theirs , and it blinded him to the realisation that when all else failed , when all the appeals for ‘ fair play ’ fell on stony ground , that he could have utilised his mass following of workers to shake the ground beneath the Empire .
24 It stretched you to the limit .
25 With painful slowness it carried him to the station a few miles from his home .
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