Example sentences of "it [vb past] [adj] [noun] on " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the first two weeks of the campaign almost twothirds of our panel cited unemployment as the ‘ main issue ’ that should be discussed but it got little coverage on television news .
2 The newsletter rates HP the leading Unix vendor last year and expects it to consolidate its position this year with at least the 40% revenue increase it got last year on an 80% increase in shipped units .
3 It laid great emphasis on value for money auditing and recommended that all health authorities establish value for money teams whose role would be to effect annual savings which could be used for improving services .
4 The particular benefits of this approach for this study were that it provided quantitative data on important treatment/intervention issues in a population where group-comparison studies alone would be inappropriate , because of the individual nature of each person 's challenging behaviour and the small number of potential subjects .
5 It cost 109,600 lives on the Allied side and 29,000 German submariners .
6 But while it proposed interim restrictions on the consumption of HCFCs — used for making foam insulation — it stepped back from proposing to outlaw their production in the EC , from where they could still be exported to developing countries as a substitute to the much more harmful CFCs ( chlorofluorocarbons ) in refrigerators and air conditioners .
7 Subject to congressional approval , it proposed increased spending on highways , mass public transport systems , bridge improvement and highway safety programmes .
8 It received Royal Assent on 16 July and comes into force on 16 October .
9 Although the merger gave Roh control of 216 of the 299 seats in the National Assembly it provoked widespread resentment on the grounds that it effectively removed the elected opposition .
10 And they set off , Dr Neil behind her , holding the candle high , so that it threw strange shadows on the walls and ceilings .
11 As for the residence requirement , despite the fact that it applied in the same way to British nationals , it constituted covert discrimination on grounds of nationality in so far as , by the very nature of things , nationals of other member states were less likely to be ‘ resident ’ in the United Kingdom than British citizens .
12 It might be that if a bird tried to defend too large a territory the amount of energy it would gain from its territorial habit would actually decrease , as it spent more energy on extra defence than it gained from extra food supplies .
13 In addition it followed Roman Law on rape .
14 It repeated this request on 1 March 1984 , but the Commission took no action .
15 IBM moved towards sales rather than renting ; it placed greater emphasis on software ; it invested massively in automated factories .
16 The disadvantages of the Article were that it was perceived as dealing with ‘ representational ’ issues that were out of place in the Convention , that it undercut the position of non-liability of member States for treaties concluded by organisations , and that it placed excessive emphasis on the exceptional situation of the European Communities .
17 When the North Tyneside District Labour Party drew up a programme of objectives for the new authority in 1973 , it placed considerable emphasis on new house building .
18 This meant that the guest lists had to be scrutinized with great care and it required considerable awareness on the part of Eugénie to be able to decide who would match with whom .
19 It included new restrictions on covert action which were designed to prevent a repetition of the actions which led to the Iran-contra scandal .
20 In the case of the News International ban it offered clear guidance on how the professional should react .
21 He threatened tough action to control council spending — even if it meant painful limits on Tory authorities .
22 The sea-blue eyes gazing back at her were coolly assessing , and it took considerable effort on her part not to look away .
23 It took several miles on the bus and a lot of questions still to be answered outside his front door before he invited me in to meet his mother .
24 After his return to the ward Mr Reynolds ' temperature rose slowly until it reached 37 C. On the first post-operative morning his temperature was above normal limits ( 37.8 C ) .
25 Deeply embedded in the local population and the majority of the labour leadership , it influenced political strategy on all important issues ( see Bush 1984 for most of the next two paragraphs ) .
26 It convened another meeting on 9 April to present the draft constitution and this meeting Officially brought NICRA into existence .
27 It also held East Indian bonds , and the fact that it gave substantial mortgages on land has led Dickson to suggest that to an extent it was diverting funds derived from industry and trade towards the landed interest .
28 The district benefited from the fact that it had comparative information on performance from a large range of providers which enabled them to take a more detached view of the strengths and weaknesses of its own unit , even though it also increased the complexity of contracting .
29 The LMSR Company was the biggest operator of commercial road vehicles in the country , and because of this , and the fact that it built all its own stock of horse-drawn vehicles and designed and built all the bodies to its own designs on various motor chassis , it had great influence on the development of commercial vehicles in Great Britain from the early 1920s until around 1940 .
30 It had black sheets on it , and George was not sure if that was their original colour or just the result of years of use .
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