Example sentences of "it [vb past] [adj] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Well , if you are typical of your birth sign , you will have already made up your mind and taken your leave around August 6th , when it became apparent that certain associates had sided against you or even gone so far as to hatch some kind of plot .
2 As it became apparent that considerable variations in training were to be found , the ( now ) British Library Research and Development Group for Research into Public Libraries felt that more information was needed about current practice , and in September 1982 , British Library Research and Development and The Library Association agreed to liaise on the development of an exploratory survey .
3 In the early 1960s it became clear that compulsory continuing education was actually becoming a hindrance to recruitment .
4 A national " mass of reconciliation " was proposed for Aug. 15 by the " revolutionary Peronism " faction of the ruling Justicialist Party , including the remnants of the Montoneros , who called for reconciliation with the armed forces and an amnesty for their imprisoned leader Mario Firmenich [ see p. 35561 ] ; this mass was to have been attended both by former Montonero guerrillas and by military officers from the dirty war , but was cancelled by the Church when it became clear that certain officers were using it to support their demand for an amnesty .
5 The " conference of national reconciliation " , initially scheduled by the USC for Feb. 28 , was postponed , first until March 14 and then indefinitely , when it became clear that other groups involved in the overthrow of former President Siyad Barre would not participate .
6 Analysts were increasingly optimistic about the prospect of share price premiums in early trading as it became clear that professional buyers will be starved of stock .
7 Analysts were increasingly optimistic about the prospect of share price premiums in early trading as it became clear that professional buyers will be starved of stock .
8 Before the war public appeals had raised sufficient money to keep Youth Allyah afloat , but , when it became clear that large numbers of children would not soon be leaving for Palestine , the question arose as to who would care for them during their prolonged stay in Britain .
9 But after a frantic day of arm-twisting by Government whips , it became clear that potential rebels were shying away from voting the whole Budget down .
10 After a frantic day of arm twisting by Government whips it became clear that potential rebels were prepared to back away from a rebellion in the hope of wringing more concessions from the Government before the Finance Bill , which gives legislative authority to the Budget , comes back to the Commons toward the end of next month .
11 Yeah , this , this is interesting , it gets confusing perhaps because erm , I rang British Section , British Section today erm , enquiring about er , ah , there it is , were , were are we , erm enquiring about er groups having two prisoners you brought this up last time and as the result of me talking to somebody there erm , it became clear that British Section still showed us as having Sabri Lushe as a prisoner , erm and they were n't aware that we were no longer dealing with him , he 'd been released , and what they say is they usually get conformation from International Secretarium
12 In the discussion that followed it became clear that graduated PAF would not be popular .
13 It became evident that young people were a particularly vulnerable group and that in times of economic hardship , firms cut back on training places .
14 As the 1960s progressed , however , it became evident that certain strains were developing in the Bretton Woods arrangements .
15 For example , last year it became evident that terminal responses at peak times were becoming much slower .
16 Before long what has been described aptly by one penologist as a malfunction began to appear as it became evident that suspended sentences of imprisonment were being used in place of non-custodial penalties , especially probation orders and fines .
17 Within months it became obvious that increased demand on the Midland electrified lines ( at last free from industrial problems and stock defects ) would make additional units necessary .
18 Since the Education Act 1980 began the emphasis on parental choice of schools , it became obvious that comparable information must be available about the various schools .
19 But although ‘ In Place of Strife ’ was in accord with majority public opinion , it was certainly not in accord with Labour Party and union opinion , and although that in itself has not always blocked the parliamentary leadership , this time it became obvious that sufficient Labour MPs would reject the proposals to make it impossible to establish them as law .
20 It made clear that married women were expected to be housewives first and foremost ; and that since this did not involve any independent income , wives were to be covered by , and dependent on , their husbands ' insurance :
21 Nevertheless , it seemed reasonable that chemotherapeutic agents known to block the proliferation of cells might also be immunosuppressive .
22 It seemed possible that American impulsiveness or ambition might ignite a powder train from the Far East to Europe and accidentally precipitate the Third World War .
23 Indeed , while some laptop devices had emerged such as the Cornucopia and the Dynabook , it seemed unlikely that handheld CD-ROM technology of any kind would make much impact in world markets for some years .
24 Even as recently as early 1990 , it seemed unlikely that optical disc-based handhelds would have significant impact in the immediate future .
25 In each case it seemed clear that local adaptation was taking place , showing — as far as Pearson and Weldon were concerned — that natural selection was an effective evolutionary mechanism .
26 He said it seemed inevitable that free travel for pensioners in Cleveland would have to end .
27 And if Barbara Coleman had not known it appeared unlikely that Sabine Jourdain had .
28 The member countries of the European Free Trade Association ( EFTA ) were seeking establishment of a wider European economic space ( EEC ) in which they would have a " close and structured partnership " with the EC [ see p. 37535 ] , although it remained possible that other EFTA member countries besides Austria would opt to seek full EC membership .
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