Example sentences of "it [coord] i [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I give it an I need it , it is Solidarity
2 Would he 've had time to take it home in between stealing it and me finding him ?
3 Anyway , the people at SIS are big enough to take it and I respect them for that . ’
4 she would , she was seeing me do it and I respect what she says and I do what I 'm told no she did n't say that
5 That is it and I hate it when you keep on and on nagging .
6 That is it and I hate it when you keep on and on nagging .
7 queried whether we really needed to be in it and I told him that sales wanted it and the reasons why we wanted to be in erm even the fact that it was going to k erm give us more accounting work erm whatsisname what bank is it ?
8 I told my dad that was I chucked his in the bin and it had sort of stains on it and I told him that was
9 I 've been at a desk for years ; I want no more of it and I told them .
10 We had words about it and I told her to go !
11 He dropped it and I kicked it down the alley .
12 recorded it and I sent it home with you .
13 They have done it and I know they can hardly believe it themselves sometimes . ’
14 ‘ There was no will , ’ she said , ‘ You know it and I know it , so this solicitor clearly has some confusion on his hands .
15 " Anyway , I 'm not one , and you know it and I know it , which is all that matters . "
16 representing that , but you know and I know that it did n't stay like that , I do n't know how long , but it did n't stay like it for very long because sin crept in , that circle was marred , it was twisted , that intermit original fellowship with God was broken , let me read you a verse there in Genesis chapter three and verse eight , it 's , it 's Adam and Eve it says they heard the sound of the lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the lord God among the trees of the garden , for the first time since Adam had first been created they hide from God , they hear him coming , it 's the time when God will come , and they hear him that were walking through the garden using picture language , and they go and hide , they 're ashamed to see him , they do n't want to look upon him , something has happened that perfect circle has been marred , what it was like yesterday , things are different now , there 's that unclean feeling , there 's that guilt complex , we 've done it wrong , we 've failed to keep what God 's said , we 've broken the rules and when you break the rules , it 's not just the rules that are broken is it , you know it and I know it , in relationships , it 's not just the rules that get broken , it 's the relationship is marred .
17 But I somehow I do n't do it and I know I 'm sure it is
18 Right , that 's it , that 'll do , I wo n't go any further and I can get the other things in well we had er , we had an aluminium friend , a double glazed enormous window over our landing and it was , the aluminium was so cold and it was conden there was so much condensation that we had a new window P V C put in , but I tried to sell this other window , cos it was beautiful you see , nothing wrong with it except you know , but nobody wanted it and I kept it and I had it for about two years standing outside and then I thought I can use that and I cut , it was a three section , three lots of glass all in one , cut down , divide it into two and one , and got myself a plant house under the erm
19 ‘ I cut it and I crush it down .
20 What we have said we are involved in a process which must involve both governments and all parties , whose objective is agreement among our divided people an agreement which all our traditions must give their allegiance and agreement , and an agreement which must express which which must respect our diversity , now I have kept repeating that statement since we made it and I asked anyone to tell me what they disagree with it , now the loyalist paramilitary some weeks ago said that if the I R A were to k their impression they 've given all along is that they 're just a reaction to the I R A and if the I R A were to stop they would cease immediately , I immediately put out a statement welcoming that statement by them , I also offered to talk directly to them , but they have refused er given the nature of their campaign , particularly at the moment , I begin to wonder do they want the I R A to stop ?
21 But we got over it and I finished my school at fourteen and came back to work at home .
22 and I 've put it and I 've cooked it and I put it in freezer
23 and I used half of it and I put it , put some onion and some sliced potatoes in the oven
24 I glance into my glass and hand her back the J ; her eyes close as she draws on it and I put my lips to my glass , slipping that sucked-on sliver of ice into my own mouth and rolling it around there , pretending it 's her tongue .
25 I just could n't go into it and I said you know it 'll only , I mean the fact is she 's , was buying Ellie and Jane Ellie and Linda .
26 Cos I fucking took it and I said you have n't taken one have you ?
27 I 've been asked to write about it and I said I 'd give it a think . ’
28 It was er international company sommat like that Ching and er they asked me about it and I said I 'll see what I can do .
29 Now as she , I flapped it , I got hold of it and I flapped it so it , I sort of bounced about , she sort of bumped along
30 I made it and I made it back , but the friend who saw me onto the train was so concerned at my appearance , she phoned my daughter .
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