Example sentences of "it [adv] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now you know this , do n't start applying it rigorously as a rule which will inhibit your sailing , merely let the body work it out for itself by noticing the levelness of the horizon .
2 Your body may have become out of shape through general neglect over a period of years , yet you can transform it incredibly in a matter of days with my unique dieting methods and special exercises .
3 The cricketing press , without exception , treated it rather like a fairy tale .
4 It is for government to say it will not fund us adequately , not for us to go round saying it rather like a lot of sheep .
5 We delivered it locally from a pony and trap and I do n't suppose we made all that much until they wrote about Mother in the London newspaper .
6 He took hold of her hands now and his voice was gentle as he said , ‘ Yes , but by all accounts she 's paid for it since with a man like your father . ’
7 He replied that he had given it verbally to a police sergeant , but that he must have forgotten about it .
8 He pointed the torch beam at the forest floor , which was littered with pieces of fallen bark , dried leaves and twigs , then moved it slowly towards a hole at the base of a tree trunk .
9 Then open a chilled bottle of Guinness Original and pour it slowly into a glass .
10 Pour it slowly into a glass , study the rich oatmeal head and dark velvet body , then enjoy its distinctive bitter taste as you slowly drink it .
11 The open a chilled bottle of Guinness Original and pour it slowly into a glass .
12 If hesitating between a peach and a pear you languidly inspect sniff and fondle the fruit before deciding for the pear , and eat it slowly with a look of bliss , no one who has left behind the absolutism of childhood ( ‘ Anyone can see that a peach is nicer than a pear ’ ) will doubt that you made the best possible choice between the flavours ; the rightness of the choice , and the objective fact that in the fullest awareness of the two flavours you were spontaneously moved to take the pear , are two sides of the same coin .
13 Anniversary date for the periodic charge The Government think it right as a corollary of the introduction of these reliefs , that the first anniversary date on which the periodic charge under paragraph 12 of Schedule 5 to the Finance Bill will be payable is the anniversary date next after 31st March 1980 .
14 people latched onto it as something that was n't a political strike , was n't being led by militants , revolutionaries , what have you , and it was something , it was just for the freedom of the working man if you like , and his standard of living was not gon na suffer because of bosses intransig intransigence I 'll say it right in a while , and what have you .
15 Cos the we er did get people contacting the office to say I 've got a lump sum , I 'd like to put it somewhere for a couple of years , and er we always wondered why they 're thinking of a couple of years .
16 The Palace dismissed it as a fake , but within 24 hours Royal officials appeared to add weight to its authenticity by failing to reject it outright as a hoax .
17 Fulham can now continue to lease the ground for the next decade and have the option to purchase it outright at a price of just under £8 million at any time during the 10 years .
18 According to Carl Chilley , principal business services consultant , the problem with distributed computing has been that it has encouraged the development of technology for technology 's sake , without real thought as to how to implement it effectively in a business environment .
19 Max said there 'd have been buckets of blood , and if someone 's going to get it all over a suit , or a dress …
20 However , even Cockfield regarded it only as a courtesy title .
21 Many of the later Latin fathers ( and some of the fathers of the Reformation ) tended to see it only as a backdrop to the true meaning of the atonement .
22 Our forefathers saw it only as a gesture .
23 Now , Woolwich having won that litigation , the revenue asserts that it was never under any obligation to repay the money , and that it in fact repaid it only as a matter of grace .
24 Again , where a contract provides , e.g. , that A shall pay £100 on 1 January next , and if he does not do so , shall pay £200 , Equity would not allow the £200 to be claimed , but treated it only as a security for the £100 with interest .
25 He saw it only for a second .
26 And anyhow , it was still deception , be it only for a minute .
27 Anyway , Mrs Aggie had been very sorry she had struck her and she had taken her into the town and bought her a real new bonnet , although she would allow her to wear it only on a Sunday .
28 Or was it only with a view to inspiring a love of virtue that he read ‘ Abou Ben Adhem ’ and how he ‘ loved his fellow men . ’
29 Although there is no known cure for osteoarthritis , there are some ways of making it less of a problem to ordinary living .
30 ‘ I travel in comfort , ’ he adds to explain why he finds it less of a hassle than many businessmen .
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