Example sentences of "it [adv] [adj] that [det] " in BNC.

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1 Given the opinion poll results in The Guardian today , which show that a clear and growing majority of people are against further moves towards European monetary and political union , does my right hon. Friend find it rather curious that both the Liberal Democrats and the Labour party favour unilateral disarmament on the question of federalism ?
2 ‘ And I find it rather sad that both of you should think I do — be so suspicious of everyone 's motives .
3 Even if such gruesome events really were seized upon , in medieval and Renaissance times , as an excuse for uproarious carnival , Verdi 's music makes it abundantly clear that that is not at all what he intended .
4 Is it so likely that that man , however much he may have been struck by your beauty and gaiety , Miss Jonathan , would have at once decided to assassinate your future husband ? ’
5 A glimmer of good news : steps have already been taken to make it less likely that such a war would spread to Macedonia .
6 By spreading power across a wider spectrum it would also make it less likely that any one region , such as Scotland , would find itself being governed by a party that it had rejected by huge margins at the polls .
7 Research has shown that good oxygenation makes it less likely that any rogue cells will survive to form a life-endangering tumour .
8 They say that the police could stop the violence overnight if the Special Patrol Group was assigned to patrol the area , or if the Home Office made it sufficiently clear that this kind of activity must stop .
9 According to the doctor , after the Russian army invaded the museum , members of the family and all museum officials were ordered out at gunpoint , making it highly unlikely that any affectionate gifts were tendered to the occupying officers .
10 This makes it highly unlikely that any further operations would be unknown to us .
11 I find it totally unacceptable that another football club manager is not allowed into a ground to do a job .
12 ( 1 ) In all the circumstances is it more appropriate that a court of the country to which a child has been wrongfully removed or in which it is being wrongfully retained ( country B ) ’ — in this case one can say England — ‘ should reach decisions and make orders with a view to its welfare or is it more appropriate that this should be done by a court of the country from which it was removed or to which its return has been wrongfully prevented ( [ Australia ] ) ? ( 2 ) If , but only if , the answer to the first question is that the court of [ England ] is the more appropriate court , should that court give any consideration whatsoever to what further orders should be made other than for the immediate return of the child to [ Australia ] and for ensuring its welfare pending the resumption or assumption of jurisdiction by the courts of that country ?
13 Young people are not alone in having problems with friendships , but the psycho-social issues that confront adolescents make it more certain that such difficulties are likely to be of concern to them .
14 They try to make it more cool that that , then have n't they ? .
15 This makes it more likely that all of the details can be retained by LIFESPAN , without the need for external references , but more importantly , it allows the user to respond to each point by a separate SSR .
16 This approach could involve studying the statistical distribution of child abuse , or comparing a group of known child abusers with a non-abusing control group , in order to try to identify and isolate some of the factors that make it more likely that some parents will abuse their children .
17 There are slight stylistic differences in the execution of the relief work , and it may be that one cup is an exotic , a Minoan import , and the other was made by a Mycenean craftsman to make a pair ; on balance , I think it more likely that both are Minoan ( Figure 31 ) .
18 But once some set of rules has been established in this way , we might well think it more important that these rules be publicly regarded as settled , so that people can plan accordingly , than that they be the best rules that could have been found ; this provides a reason why courts should leave the rule untouched even when they think the wrong choice was made in the first instance . "
19 Is it similarly possible that these emotions are not a consequence of the dream but of the apparently haphazard interaction between midbrain and hindbrain activity during REM sleep ?
20 But six shots and a man in intensive care , ’ he added , ‘ makes it reasonably certain that some friend of yours was involved . ’
21 4.5 Consider the following sentences : ( 33 ) we believe the detective innocent Leonard proved the theorem incorrect Atkins will guarantee her picture authentic We can perhaps take it as self-evident that these do not contain attributive adjectives , but they also differ from predicate qualifiers .
22 As Lord Hailsham of St. Marylebone L.C. put it in In re B. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Sterilisation ) [ 1988 ] A.C. 199 , 202 , the ‘ first and paramount consideration [ of the court ] is the well being , welfare or interests [ of the minor ] ’ and I regard it as self-evident that this involves giving them the maximum degree of decision-making which is prudent .
23 We regard it as unlikely that many teachers in the near future will be able to handle facilities of this range and power amid the pressures of the classroom .
24 Linguists have a tendency to regard it as axiomatic that all teachers — including teachers of subjects other than languages — need to be informed about language .
25 The British Government professed to ‘ have always regarded it as desirable that these elections should be held and have advised the Government of the Republic of [ South ] Vietnam to enter into consultation with the Viet Minh authorities [ sic ] in order to ensure that all the necessary conditions obtain for a free expression of the national will ’ .
26 The stone was placed within a specially designed chair in Westminster Abbey to make it symbolically clear that all coronations of English kings henceforth should be regarded as simultaneous coronations of the kings of Scotland .
27 Is it really relevant that most of that military money produced not a single weapon ?
28 It is noticeable that a number of other politicians abroad have made it perfectly clear that this country becomes a more attractive place for investment — and therefore for jobs and prosperity — because we are not committed to the costs of the social chapter .
29 ‘ In publicly announcing the withdrawal of its remaining occupation forces from Korea , the US should make it unmistakably clear that this step in no way constitutes a lessening of US support of the Government of the Republic of Korea , but constitutes rather another step towards the regularisation by the US of its relations with that Government and a fulfilment on the part of the US of the relevant provision of the GA Resolution [ UN General Assembly ] of December 12 , 1948 . ’
30 But while I think it intrinsically unlikely that any of my co-habitees , if I my so describe them , should have committed murder , and I know that I did n't , I do n't know that I can help you very much . ’
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