Example sentences of "it [prep] an [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It can not be partly certain because the tenant can determine it at any time and partly uncertain because the landlord can not determine it for an uncertain period .
2 When you pick up that telephone and answer it for an external caller , you 've become Oxford University Press and it 's important that we create the right impression for our customers , whoever they are .
3 She told magistrates that she had been into town and was late getting the car back home to her parents who needed it for an important appointment .
4 I said I wanted it for an amateur production of James Saunders A Scent of Flowers — a play I knew well and which required a coffin to be positioned downstage during the entire action .
5 But now they 're filming it for an appreciative video audience
6 The Queen Alien was built in two versions , a full-size mechanical one also using two stuntmen inside , and a quarter-sized puppet , operated mechanically , since Cameron , who had accepted stop-motion for the Terminator 's final stage , did not like it for an organic creature .
7 Both had begun the war as conscientious objectors , Vaughan ending it as an Orderly Room clerk for the Army in a prisoner-of-war camp in Yorkshire .
8 In some schools , most pupils use spoken Standard English as their native dialect ; in others , most have to learn it as an additional language .
9 In this respect , the organiser continues to integrate the experience into schools and local authority plans , rather than perceiving it as an additional bolt-on training opportunity .
10 Desert Storm commander , General Norman Schwarzkopf described it as an historic day : a day to make it clear who was in charge .
11 Well in fact it showed it as an outstanding amount .
12 Many consumers are against it : about three out of ten say it 's never a good thing , and most others see it as an occasional necessity rather than as having positive advantages ( see Appendix I , Main survey ) .
13 It not only conflicts with their self-conscious professionalism but they regard it as an increasing anachronism in the agriculture of the 1970s .
14 Whatever it was , the Regent saw it as an unlooked-for opportunity .
15 And treat it as an outdoor room , not just another part of a garden .
16 Harley was coming into it as an early-season form horse and was therefore in the news , and now his caddie had been murdered so he was very much in the news .
17 Whilst some welcome the opportunity of early retirement , others see it as an unwanted imposition on their lives .
18 If shaft flexibility is not important dynamically there seems little point in introducing it as an unwanted variable in the swing .
19 It will use it as an embedded controller in office automation products such as X-terminals after it shrinks it and optimizes its speed .
20 The Apache is better than most in this respect but I would nevertheless regard it as an excellent-four seater with the fifth seat reserved for occasions when no baggage is being carried .
21 The new version of the bus , which meets the IEEE 1596–1992 interconnect standard , will be jointly designed by the two companies , and will be manufactured and marketed by LSI Logic , which plans to offer it as an ASIC core through its CoreWare Division .
22 There were , in short , pious men and women who not only failed to find it blasphemous , but regarded it as an integral part of their belief — as integral , say , as Peter 's role is to the Church of Rome .
23 Erm , I mean I think if we 're wishing to analyse the application , I I think we must consider what it does n't do for the village , and I think there are a number of aspects that have to be considered , erm , first of all as a village , and I 've heard in this very Parish Council that the reputed view made that there is a need for small village accommodation , this development certainly does not provide that , we 've also expressed a view that it would be nice to retain the existing bungalow , because that is small village accommodation , and although it only has a very limited history , again it would be nice to retain it as an integral part of the village .
24 So as the Moon beams down on you this Christmas take it as an extraterrestrial greeting for a happy 1983 !
25 It does not take too much distortion to see it as an anti-abortion tract .
26 We can not , therefore , leave it as an irreducible fact about different physical processes that they ‘ feel ’ different .
27 With appropriate care and support from colleagues ( and time to ‘ heal ’ ) , there is every chance that victims of violent assaults will be able to get back to work quite quickly , complete the cycle of adjustment to the incident , and be able to incorporate their disturbing feelings about it as an accepted aspect of their work experience to learn from .
28 The research team referred to in the follow-on milk ad took it as an established fact and were interested in finding out what effect this minimal rise in blood loss had on a baby 's iron levels .
29 She further condemned the press use of the words ‘ dawn raid ’ , describing it as an emotive term .
30 Throwing his left arm high , he presented his rigid forearm to the open jaws of the leaping Satan , offering it as an alternative target to the beast 's intended throat-rip .
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