Example sentences of "it [prep] [art] great [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And the fact that they were doing it for a great deal more money , like Havvie Blaine , rather than for supper and a few pence , did n't make it any better .
2 But if every man here used his vote as he should and put a Labour government not only in the State of New South Wales but throughout the dominion , not only throughout the dominion but the Commonwealth , not only in the Commonwealth but throughout the world — ’ Bobby was enjoying himself now and so were most of his audience , standing under the afternoon sun. ’ — then the working man will have his true voice and he will make it heard in the corridors of power , for we will be the new power then — and we will use it for the greater good of all .
3 So let's hear it for the greatest tennis player in the world !
4 Some took it as a great laugh ; others as a brave attempt to champion a little-known music ; and others just hated it .
5 That while recognising that the men have had a real grievance in that some firms have employed an unfair proportion of young girls at apprentice wages , or nearly so , we women regard it as a great injustice that one of the main skilled industries open to Edinburgh women should be closed against them .
6 She also thought of it as a great household , in which her son could find a favoured place .
7 Federalists and functionalists alike regarded it as a great achievement and a decisive breakthrough in the fight for a united Europe , and immediately set out to make the new body a more effective organ of integration than was apparent in its charter .
8 The Government have put large sums of money into the public services for many years , but have not proclaimed it as a great virtue .
9 We call it now , the Battle of Britain , and think of it as a great victory .
10 Toby , next morning , was inclined to regard it as a great victory .
11 ‘ I actually saw it as a great challenge .
12 I felt it as a great loss because even after her retirement she remained a wonderful source of advice and inspiration to young singers .
13 Barry Humphries ' cartoon hero Barry McKenzie made cracks about Château Chunder , the star wine from down under , fondly describing it as a great emetic .
14 Now that is a large part of our culture , which in a sense gets sucked into the educational establishment and sucked into teaching relationships , and because it 's such a consistent part of the way in which women are seen , I think they perceive it as a greater problem .
15 Some cover may be withdrawn as the insurance company sees it as a greater risk .
16 He regards it as the greatest force at man 's disposal .
17 The rise of this logical positivism reinforced the Enlightenment belief in science and rationality ( at the very moment that the world was in desperate need of a moral code and a spiritual light to help it through the great crisis — the Depression — of the old machine 's apparent demise ) .
18 Of the Paternoster Square development , what he wanted to see , he said , was ‘ a roofscape that gives the impression that St Paul 's is floating above it like a great ship in the sea ’ .
19 We 'd have to jazz it up a little , get a few prominent vocalists to sing over the coolant 's bubble , a few name producers to chip the chilly vibration down to its component cubes and then restack it into a great wall of freezing sound .
20 We will have destroyed some of our roots , burnt the family photographs for want of a tiny sum to buy the site compulsorily , block the drains which are drying it out , excavate it with a greater delicacy than the present JCBs can offer and restore it as a regenerating wetland of immense cultural significance .
21 Although Robert Teeter remained as the nominal head of the Bush campaign , it was generally acknowledged that Baker would use his new post to exercise overall and ultimate responsibility for the campaign and attempt to provide it with a greater degree of coherence .
22 On the following day after the Christians had taken possession of the town , the Cid entered it with a great company , and he ascended the highest tower of the wall , and beheld all the city ; and the Moors came unto him , and kissed his hand , saying he was welcome .
23 When they discovered this famous Plowden sentence about the importance of the child at the top of this chapter , they welcomed it with a great sigh of relief .
24 He homed to the nameless grave like a pigeon , and fell on his knees beside it with a great sob of thankfulness .
25 The Director has stated a seemingly modest goal : that someone who is assessed as requiring residential or nursing home care on 1 April should be able to receive it with no greater difficulty than s/he would have experienced on 31 March .
26 ‘ someone who is assessed as requiring residential or nursing home care on 1 April should be able to receive it with no greater difficulty than s/he would have experienced on 31 March .
27 It is also the budget that has taken notice of what the opposition have actually said we listened to you we have not persevered with our original thinking , we 've talked to the officers , we 've listened to what you 've said , we may not have done it with the greatest grace possible but .
28 Mr Clarke told the House of Commons that he was doing it with the great reluctance .
29 NEXT time Simon Rattle and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra perform Messiaen 's Et Exspecto Resurrectionem Mortuorum they should do it in a great cathedral .
30 Freya 's letter looked as though she had written it in a great hurry : reams and reams of handwritten scrawl , with sentences crawling up the side of the page and ideas jumping all over the place .
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