Example sentences of "it [vb -s] [conj] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Like many other academic initiatives , it seems to have gone largely unnoticed at the time , and its historical importance has been perhaps exaggerated by those who live between the covers of books , yet it illustrates that in Germany freedom is considered primarily as freedom from an occupying power , from external political domination .
2 The process of arbitrage would ensure that it occurs although in reality market participants would alter rates immediately , so that arbitrage opportunities did not occur .
3 It shows that in England and Wales the lowest income groups paid 8.1 per cent of household income in rates , whereas the highest income group paid under 2 per cent .
4 It shows that in fact Germany 's economic performance , especially in recent years , has not been particularly impressive .
5 It shows that in fact , the following letter is an n .
6 Consequently , it appears that in principle at least , both corporations and their officials could be deterred , unlike their conventional counterparts .
7 This is borne out by the court 's judgment in Lopes da Veiga v. Staatssecretaris van Justitie ( Case 9/88 ) [ 1989 ] E.C.R. 2989 , from which it appears that in order for a national of a member state who is permanently employed on board a ship flying the flag of another member state to have the status of a worker/national of a member state who is employed in the territory of another member state , the relationship of employment must exhibit a sufficiently close link with that territory .
8 However , it appears that in Essex at least , individual college principals have agreed to negotiate their introduction and avert strikes .
9 Indeed , it appears that in terms of its expected percentage vote the Right has failed to capitalise on the electorate 's wish to punish the ruling Socialists .
10 It appears that in relation to non-jury trial cases these steps have had success .
11 It appears that in Nottingham they put sculpture above the interests of the elderly .
12 He also involved a religious foundation — the Charterhouse — in his scheme ( although it appears that in practice it played little part ) and wanted his Master to be a Scholar of Eton or of Winchester ( if such could be found ) and to be appointed on the recommendation of the Provosts of Eton College and of King 's College , Cambridge .
13 It appears that in practice the interim government has been unable to operate in Mogadishu and Mr. Qalib has based himself in a hotel in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia .
14 Fortunately , overseas investors perceive the UK as an area of political stability ; it seems that in spite of the Danish referendum EC monetary convergence may continue , so the UK could remain a major beneficiary of inward capital flows .
15 It seems that in order to increase the penalty in certain cases , prosecutors are combining Category 3 charges with charges for other offences such as burglary .
16 It seems that in Edinburgh the ETS grew from an average of 265 members in the late 1850s to about 650 in the late 18605,6 In Edinburgh , as in the other towns , the membership consisted of compositors and press- or machinemen , side by side , within the same branch .
17 It seems that in compensation it was agreed that Italy should build a hospital in Ethiopa .
18 This is certainly not the language that one uses of a resident sage or recognized ‘ master ’ ; and it seems that in Paris at that time there was in fact no one who esteemed Pound in either of those ways .
19 It seems that in times past marmosets were bigger but , perhaps in adaptation to an almost bird-like life in the high branches of South America forests , they have shown an evolutionary trend of decreasing size .
20 It seems that in Japan microlights are restricted to flying no more than 1.5 kilometres from point of take-off which gives little chance of developing mature navigational skills .
21 The aetiology of these fibrotic conditions is not known but it seems that in overlap conditions immunosuppression is of value in suppressing fibrosis in and around the biliary tree .
22 It seems that in addition to a large number of pernicious anaemia patients with stable nodular hyperplasia of fundic endocrine cells , there are patients in whom the hyperplastic change may progress to carcinoid tumours and some in whom it regresses .
23 It seems that in Australia , where LETS is very big , there are people who pay their tax by it . ’
24 ‘ Briefly , it seems that in parts of Russia and south-east Europe , some of the country people believe that in certain circumstances — to avenge their murder , for instance — the dead can walk again , unless restrained by having wooden stakes driven into their hearts . ’
25 It seems that in Solihull schools recently , a considerable amount of thinking has gone into developing schemes for teacher-appraisal : perhaps SSE in the form taken by the Solihull booklet is gradually giving way to more personally focused types of staff appraisal .
26 Casteleyn observed that ‘ Smaller libraries may not need a full-time training officer but may be able to benefit from the advice of a training officer employed to develop training centrally for the whole organisation ’ , and suggested that ‘ smaller authorities who were unlikely to have their own training officers should look to their authority 's training department for support ’ but it seems that in practice , smaller libraries are least likely to have an existing strong centre of training expertise to turn to .
27 Firstly , it seems that in practice the word " fair " adds little if anything to the definition , and that the courts have tended to focus in practice on what is " reasonable " .
28 It follows that in order to understand the efficacy of political parties or the ways in which political forms relate to everyday experience , account must be taken of the appropriate political discourses .
29 It follows that in order to clarify the background to meaningful identifying references to ontological existents , it is necessary to investigate the manner and conditions in which such existents are constituted as target-topics in relevant experiences .
30 If the material is being used on a table or flat surface , it means that in order to use it at a close distance from the eye , the head is bent low over the book in order to try to discriminate the print .
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