Example sentences of "it [vb -s] [be] go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It has been going on for too long .
2 Today 's decline in the fertility rate does not have as superstitious , or short-lived , a cause : it has been going on steadily since 1970 .
3 ( It has been going on successfuly with Irish Rail and the Dublin Dart for years ) .
4 ‘ My father-in-law was well aware of all this ; it has been going on for some years but he would not do what was necessary to right the situation , that is cut out the loss makers and , perhaps , substitute other lines — stationery , office equipment , videos or any other line compatible with the book trade . ’
5 It has been going on for a while — but not on the scale it is happening now .
6 It , I mean it has been going up rather high , this has been
7 ‘ It 's a business move and I am sorry to be leaving French rugby as it has been going well , ’ said Andrew .
8 There 's a racket goin' on , Aggie ; but you know as well as me it 's been goin' on for years .
9 Moorlake is much too big for her and it 's been going steadily to rack and ruin for years .
10 it 's been going around and around here for the last four days er I bet it 's been coming round the block up this street about eight to ten times a day , I du n no what 's it doing , the up here
11 But it 's been going on for two years . ’
12 It 's been going on for long enough and I think something should be done about it , ’ he added .
13 You know all about what 's going on ; and it 's been going on under me nose .
14 ‘ I laugh at this straight into paperback initiative , it 's been going on forever , ’ he says .
15 It 's been going on for a long time , but yer Mum 's bin very foolish an' so have the rest .
16 They must know it 's been going on at domestic and international level for a long time .
17 Yeah , I mean it 's been going on for ages
18 I gather it 's been going on for years . ’
19 ‘ I 'm so glad I told you , ’ she continued — ’ I 've been feeling terribly guilty while it 's been going on . ’
20 We 'll debate and these instructions , but there 's always this shortfall , and it 's been going on for far too long , and we still have an increasing number of responsibilities , and I just find it extremely distressing to have to sit here time and time again , to go through doing things that we really know we should n't be .
21 It 's been going on for about seventeen months now and the in chief man at Hill House was rather interested to hear that we 'd not actually had it resolved yet , and asked for the reference numbers and .
22 It makes me wonder just how long it 's been going on , or if it was merely a way to get Calder out of an awkward situation . ’
23 it 's been going on for hundreds of years and I do n't see why it should stop .
24 they want normal speech , they do n't even people do n't even know it 's been going on .
25 It 's been going on for months
26 erm sort of , at fir , you know , at first I thought sometimes you know oh , you know what 's the matter with you like but , she admits herself , her I Q , you know how they judge your intelligence has gone right down , she has to have tests every now and again , er she ca n't concentrate on things , or , you know some things she just ca n't do any more , so she 's at , supposed to be getting all this compensation and it 's been going on now , it was two years ago , three years ago that we met them and she 's only just had the first part of her money , she 's had five thousand pounds , that 's all she can get for the time being all the rest is , cos all solicitors and everything and doctors having to come and check things , so she knows , she knows she 'll get money eventually , but er , it 's just when , but is n't it an awful thing ?
27 it 's been going on now for what ?
28 And then I got into this whole thing about what I call the invisible descender theory , which is a joke in my studio but it 's been going on for , you know , nearly twenty years so it 's become a law .
29 it 's been going on for
30 So he put it in shed , left it in shed for a while and then it were not last year the year before , he took it down , I 'm putting this in dustbin duck he says it 's no damn good , we went on holiday and me daughter 's boyfriend came down while we were away and er , he must of been looking in dustbin he says what 's this telly doing , our Mandy said it 's no good , me dad 's slinging it out , so he took it home and fixed it , it 's been going ever since
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