Example sentences of "it [vb -s] [not/n't] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He is a good player and it has boosted everyone , but it has not spurred me on to greater efforts .
2 Yet it has not prevented me from having a very attractive family and being successful in my work .
3 If you look around for some field that has yet to be used in a crime story and then insist on using it when it has not filled you with enthusiasm , your book will be leaden .
4 Additionally , Rule 5 — 30(2) requires that in respect of a warrant or derivative , before a firm : ( a ) recommends a transaction ; ( b ) arranges or executes a transaction ( even if it has not recommended it ) ; or ( c ) acts as a discretionary manager ; it must have sent the private customer a Warrants or Derivatives Risk Warning Notice and obtained a copy signed by the customer so that the firm is satisfied that the customer has had a proper opportunity to consider its terms .
5 It has n't prepared me for the outside world ; all it 's done is given me an awareness of myself .
6 ‘ You 've had everything and everyone your way from much too young , and it has n't prepared you for the big , wide world .
7 ‘ And it has n't done me a whole lot of good , let me tell you !
8 He admits to being a little bit partial to the cakes he makes , but as Cyril says , it has n't done him much harm , has it ?
9 In an elderly upper-crust voice , I complained about ‘ This business of trying to jam the other chaps ' telephones — y'know , it has n't done us any favours at all , frankly .
10 We 'll just have to set it once but it has n't done it .
11 I mean it has n't done it any good all the in Amy 's bedroom where where it had to put the copydex it 's all got brownish and , has n't it ? you can see where the .
12 But it has n't given him much of a clue about setting up a restaurant .
13 It has n't slowed it at all .
14 It has n't asked me any questions about how weird my machine is or wh what are you doing with an Amstrad or anything .
15 some reason it has n't accepted it and Brian says it 's probably cos me wages have n't gone in yet , the bank they ca n't be empty , so he 's hoping to get that by the time they took it out he 's money at the end , it 's embarrassing enough , so , he 's telling me , so they had to take the stuff off him
16 As for the French government , the French general public for that matter , ‘ It has n't hit us yet , so nobody cares .
17 Still it has n't stopped me yet .
18 It has n't stopped him making guest appearances and recordings with western orchestras , and he is no longer in a position where he 's asked only to conduct Russian music — ‘ Berlioz and Beethoven with British orchestras were far more interesting propositions for me than , for example , Tchaikovsky , because you remember too much the way Russian orchestras play Tchaikovsky with the huge sound and the heaviness and the passion ’ .
19 It has n't stopped you know ’ , she said wearily .
20 It has n't stopped it at all .
21 ‘ Despite what I felt as a teenager it has n't put me off marriage , ’ he says .
22 ‘ But it has n't put you off ? ’
23 But er but it has n't has it ?
24 It has n't surprised me that it 's happened again .
25 Memory is a bit of a misnomer erm , because if you switch the computer off and switch it back on again , the file wo n't be there any more , because it has n't remembered it .
26 It has n't got me down .
27 That was the crunch point , the writing and the doing of it — that did n't happen , so it has n't got them , so it looks a bit blander than it should have been .
28 It has n't got it 's own tree shaped bag has it ?
29 She says that she 's pleased her daughter attends , but it has n't changed her !
30 Now in a sense , it has n't changed it 's form one little bit , it is still a pound it is still currency , it still has purchasing power , the only problem is , it 's just out of your reach , and you ca n't get at it .
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