Example sentences of "it [was/were] more [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is difficult to categorize the team alongside the previously mentioned sportsmen simply because it was more a comedy outfit than a competitive unit .
2 It was more a question of belonging to God 's kingdom by responding to him in faith and accepting his ‘ rule ’ over one 's life .
3 He also knew ‘ allowed ’ was not exactly the word but that it was more a question of not bothering .
4 RENFE , like BR , had , in the words of a Spanish government official , ‘ not been at all concerned with capturing customers and markets , it was more a question of waiting for people to come and request its service ’ ( fieldnotes ) .
5 Because of this , if it involved binding , it was more a case of binding the man rather than the woman .
6 That remains his only fall , and it was more a case of a slip one stride after landing than a regulation fall .
7 Certainly trade union responsibility was the key factor in the equation of obligations in the News International ban , although it was more a case of loyalty to trade unionism , and loyalty to fellow trade unionists .
8 There was , it is understood , no lack of enthusiasm among these leading lights ; it was more a case of ‘ ask me some other time ’ .
9 It was more a case of her seducing me .
10 Not that she had really found the job , she amended with an inner grimace ; it was more a case of the job having found her .
11 It was more a case of realising that Celtic 's squad lacked the strength in depth required for a successful European campaign and to mount a sustainable challenge on the domestic front .
12 Rather than ‘ structuring tasks for collaboration ’ , it was more a process of ‘ structuring a learning environment for collaboration ’ , with each of the elements contributing something to the whole and therefore needing to be understood in relation to the whole .
13 It was more a lightness of humour that shone through his anger .
14 It was more a statement than a question .
15 It was more a statement than a question .
16 thank heavens for Gloucester rugby club … they won at the weekend … well it was more a walkover as they ran in forty two points against Newport .
17 It was more a matter of how BR 's organisation should be adapted to cope with a much tighter ( but more specific ) set of government directives .
18 A lot of these same people would become suedeheads though — but it was more a matter of two styles merging .
19 Computer mode fling exercises have persuaded Raup ( 1981 ) that for the important group of trilobites it was more a matter of ‘ bad genes ’ than ‘ bad luck ’ .
20 If anyone can be said to have had a ‘ finest hour ’ — although in this instance it was more a matter of finest days and weeks — it was the people of Fontanellato , and those for many miles around , who had showed such courage in helping the escaped prisoners without any hope or thought of recompense .
21 It was more a matter of putting together a substantial structure , a large building , using the crude tools of the day .
22 Not that he was suddenly drawn into entirely new areas of interest : it was more a matter of being drawn back , with a new urgency , into old ones .
23 At first the information lack had been due to an instinctive veering away from the man who had caused her so much hurt and distress , but now it was more a matter of her rarely spending money on a paper and not having a television .
24 It was more a darkening .
25 It was more a trickle than a flood , for peaceful homesteads could be successfully built only where there was relative security , and where there were known to be agriculturally suitable regions .
26 It was more a punishment than a kiss and she hated it , but she hated even more the first faint stirring in her blood .
27 It was more a sort of colonial system with the great difference that , whereas in typical colonial systems there is a highly developed mother-country and underdeveloped colonies , here we have an underdeveloped colonial power and more developed colonies .
28 He , as a rag doll , contorted , controlled by invisible strings , jerked one way and then the other and the sewer filled up high , not a half-foot from the top of the walls , so that his tumble , when he fell into the swamp , it was more a plop than a splash .
29 It was more a feeling of alarm than pain .
30 It was more a family , really , than a deputation , excluding the Bishop , of course : Aethelric of Durham , whom the monks had wanted to disown after that business eight years ago , until he had had to go to Siward and slip him a bit of St Cuthbert 's best to get him reinstated .
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