Example sentences of "it [was/were] [adj] [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 On it were four names written neatly underneath each other .
2 On Whitsun eve , 1960 , the Central Theological Commission was set up to prepare the Council ; subject to it were ten sub-commissions presided over by the heads of the corresponding Roman dicasteries .
3 It was enthralling entertainment prompted by United 's need to gamble and attack in the second half .
4 One possibility was that it was Roman material introduced when the drain walls had collapsed , for the drain had been cut through Roman deposits .
5 It was ancient conservatism dressed up in nineteenth century costume and , incidentally , hard to combine with that other biological image of the century which stood for change and progress , namely ‘ evolution ’ .
6 Her lawyers believed it was highest settlement made in an English divorce court .
7 Whe whether it was involved in , whether there was any travel involved or whether it was all desk bound or anything else you know whether he goes zooming off all over the country or whether , whether there 's a possibility of travel involved or any danger in it , in the job , unlikely but
8 You see , it was all hand done , you see ?
9 It was all people talked about everywhere .
10 It was all blood gone on there , it 's grown a bit now .
11 any way I got to the last one and it was two combinations combined together , so you 've got two separate combinations to do and then you 're to put those two together in with a different rule
12 Well Nick I think you did enjoy the game but it was two points lost rather than one point gained .
13 It was one option chosen by Tony Crosland and his advisers from 1965 .
14 And even if a structural , timber can be dated , there is always the possibility that it was stored for some time between being felled and being used , or even that it was re-used timber salvaged from an earlier building .
15 This was their first public engagement this season but it was small beer compared to this coming Saturday .
16 Justice Foster concluded that the advertisement ‘ create[d] an irresistible impression that it was promotional material designed to advance the cause of cigarette smoking and to assist in the sale of cigarettes . ’
17 It was three parts torn away in any case and I figured that neither you nor the US Air Force would have any further use for it .
18 When they served her with a stallion you see , it was three weeks elapsed then before she if you did n't go and foal with that service it was three weeks elapsed afore you game again .
19 When they served her with a stallion you see , it was three weeks elapsed then before she if you did n't go and foal with that service it was three weeks elapsed afore you game again .
20 However , according to our first prevalence study , it was those areas characterised by the greatest levels of social deprivation that contained both the largest absolute numbers of users and the highest proportions of users .
21 Two hundred years ago it was those recipes listed under the heading of creams which were much more like the fruit fools of today .
22 I like to think we achieved a good deal , though it was humble stuff compared to the Kat-Zet .
23 Although all fittings and furniture had been removed it was Ritzy accommodation compared to a mobile incident van or the decayed huts and barn-like halls to which they were accustomed .
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