Example sentences of "it [was/were] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It tells us that the soldiers are thinking back to before the war , to the sun as if it were something in the distant past which they took for granted but has now become their last hope and so they are turning back to nature to put right a problem they caused .
2 ‘ I knew it was summat of the sort . ’
3 The first day we just hated it , but when we got used to it , it was nowt like a prison .
4 It was her at the helm
5 I almost blush with embarrassment , like it was me in the picture .
6 It was me against the known world .
7 It was nothing of the sort .
8 This would seem to imply a super-intelligence , but it was nothing of the sort .
9 For instance , a book on the influence of religious tradition on the education of women in Britain and India might include substantial chapters or whole sections on Hinduism , Buddhism and Christianity ; if the indexer therefore indexed HINDUISM , BUDDHISM , CHRISTIANITY , RELIGION , EDUCATION , WOMEN , INDIA , BRITAIN , the later combination of individual facets such as HINDUISM and BRITAIN might suggest , falsely , that the book was about Hinduism in Britain when in fact it was nothing of the kind .
10 He retorted that it was nothing to the risk he had taken .
11 If I had found the cramped interior of the U-boat at Kiel oppressive , it was nothing to the claustrophobia I felt inside the midget submarine , and I marvelled again at the courage and calm that had enabled Place and his crew to live a daily life in such surroundings , far less undertake and brilliantly accomplish their mission .
12 Maybe it was nothing but a cavalry raid .
13 She was the sort that keeps coming , that never knows when they 're licked … the mad cockerel I once hit with my toy cricket bat — it was an accident , of course it was , but I had to keep hitting it and hitting it until it was nothing but a bloody pulp on splintered sticks .
14 Steel City : from inside it was nothing but an overcrowded nexus of radials smelling of close-pressed bodies and metal and chemicals .
15 Sometimes her common sense still told her it was nothing but an invention for dirtying three times as many dishes , this business of frying and parboiling , and moving things from plate to plate .
16 It was nothing but the stench of dead , rotting rats and of bats ' dung .
17 It was nothing like the transformation she would undergo in a few years time but it signalled the slow resurrection of her inner spirit .
18 Certainly not — as a matter of fact , I holidayed not half an hour 's drive from your house , at the bottom of Loch Ness , and it was nothing like the Bahamas — we journalists ca n't afford to go to such places .
19 If it meant anything at all , thought Henry , it was something along the lines of We have n't got a clue .
20 Erm , and it was going on about it was something to the sum insurance ?
21 Indeed , it was something of a typically topsy-turvy but none the less gritty performance from Durie , who missed a match point at 5-3 and then had to wait an hour to complete the encounter after rain fell at the end of the ninth game .
22 In fact it was something of a school for bass players .
23 It was something of a turning point for the Prince too .
24 It was something of a pantomime , any minute now they would be saying : ‘ Oh no , I did n't ! ’ and ‘ Oh yes , you did ! ’
25 For someone used to the tiny creatures we get in England it was something of a shock , and I said as much as I leapt into the air .
26 The CAT scan apparently showed no damage to the brain , so it was something of a shock to the doctors as well as to Dawn 's parents when she finally came round from the coma after about a week with a left hemiplegia .
27 Thus it was something of a surprise to hear somewhat slower accounts of the F minor and G minor Préludes , but they greatly benefit from this suspense-filled approach , and lead with inevitability to a deep-toned and wonderfully rich rendition of the final D minor Prélude .
28 It was something of a gamble .
29 In fact I had never even imagined life without fat so it was something of a challenge to create a very low fat diet for myself , first of all , and then for my slimmers — a diet which at the same time as being very low in fat included all the necessary nutrients .
30 But it was something of a Cinderella situation - I had to get home early or risk another hot reception from Uncle .
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