Example sentences of "it [is] not [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 It 's not , it 's not quarter of a million is it ?
2 And it 's not kind of standard champagne in the place but she always keeps a supply .
3 So it 's not kind of country cottage style .
4 It 's not tablets of stone which have been brought down from Mount Sinai forever to remain unalterable .
5 It 's not part of our culture ; it 's not written up in the history books .
6 No , it 's not part of a campaign of cleanliness in the school .
7 It 's not part of the .
8 erm then we 've got some more erm here in this position and some more down here and in fact , I think that we 've managed to squeeze a few more into erm , this position for the bungalow refurbishment , that 's obviously an aside it 's not part of erm what , what Moat are proposing .
9 ‘ No , it 's not part of my job , ’ Belinda responded steadily .
10 It 's not part of our solar system it just is it every sev how many years is it every seventy six or something ?
11 But it 's not part of the the police case here , that they knew at the time that they entered the flat .
12 But it 's not part of a natural history display — it 's a work of art .
13 Finally Northern Ireland shows that there has been decline in output over the preceding four months and the only region t t to say that erm it 's fair to say that North Northern Ireland has been a weak region throughout er the recession erm and although in this survey optimism has climbed up a bit so it 's close to the U K average , it 's nevertheless a part of the U K which has really been behaving er rather differently from the rest of the economy reflecting its sort of , i its particular problems and the fact that it 's not part of the mainland economy .
14 In other words it 's not part of its standard employment allocation but it 's put it in the local plan so that people know , the locals know , that that field over there those fields over there erm are not guaranteed for ever as countryside but on the other hand they 're jolly well not gon na be released unless it 's for something extremely special for which there would be a statement carried through from the structure plan , elaborated on no doubt at local level , which set the rules .
15 It 's not part of the University 's public service .
16 But it 's not convention of course , to pay the minister anything is it ?
17 It 's not sort of passing trade .
18 Well it 's not sort of place you can get it to , before , before breakfast is it , so er , no .
19 erm it 's not sort of flowery .
20 And er yes i also , I would think , it 's a little unfortunate this chap happened to have his hand up on that er post there , yo you know , it 's a little bit er ungainly , it 's not sort of a very elegant sort of po I 'm not su suggesting he should pose for you , but I think , maybe had you waited until perhaps he moved his hand out of the way , it might have been a better erm composition .
21 Erm the I think er two comments for David is close to this and the one that we do n't expect the P and L charge starting in ninety three and going onwards to be quotes material I E it 's getting quite modest , it 's not sort of mega bucks .
22 You could also erm , start to recognize the benefit of the rural sector , and one reason why they were discriminating , L D Cs tended to want to ignore that and sort of shun it , because it 's not sort of a glamorous image they were trying to hope for in the urban sector , and , so , if they did help them , say give them units , like the repair men , units to work in , and they put them in really totally crappy accommodation , and up not where you need it , and not where people pass by with their motors and things , they , they 'd put them somewhere up on a hill , overlooking a city , so erm , to encourage the informal sector by erm , sort of on a par with the formal sector because erm , their inter- reacting , inter-relating now , like they 're providing cheap inputs for the formal industries and , and the formal industries are pro providing clientele all for the informal sector , and so it 's all inter-linked and , and it 's there now .
23 It 's not sort of er moderate control or a little bit of control it is strict control .
24 It 's not sort of like a ,
25 And the problem with that one is is it 's not sort of fitting the edge there .
26 Erm well it 's not sort of by itself , you know it 's er surrounded by houses re , lovely houses , you know that are
27 Right but do n't forget to put your brackets on it 's not sort of sine of nine X squared it 's
28 Something which is important to say is that the first time you have a contact with somebody and you do a piece , you 're , you 're meeting for the first time , it 's slightly awkward and you 're getting to know each other slightly , the second time you do it easier , it 's easier , and if you establish relationships with the local press , local radio and so forth , it gets easier and easier all the time , because by the time you get to know people , it 's not sort of ‘ Can I speak to somebody who does a programme about the morning whatever it is ?
29 We 're saying , we 're trying to help you by raising this money , erm it 's not sort of lecturing them or anything , we 're trying to focus on communities and empower them by giving them money for projects they want to happen , it 's not anything we 've decided .
30 Congregation , congregation , it 's not sort of all sort of these people sat there a disco or something do n't they ?
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