Example sentences of "it [vb mod] [adv] [be] because " in BNC.

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1 But some commentators believe that it may also be because , unlike other cartel kingpins , Escobar and Rodriguez Gacha are social upstarts who have clawed their way out of the gutter .
2 It may also be because there were weaknesses in the older policies , many of which became apparent once policies were implemented .
3 If their treasurers have n't yet written to you it may well be because they are busy shopping around for alternative banking services — as indeed I am .
4 I mean , I do I do take your point about the culture , and it and it 's it is a significant issue , which will take some time , I mean , probably wi with your experience in Social Services you 'll know that a substantial number of directors of Social Services are in fact female , and maybe one of the questions that we have to ask at a senior level is , our s senior erm , chief officers , erm , the fact that we 've got no woman , chief officer , and it may well be because now that we 've got an equal opportunities policy , that we may get applications from erm , very able women who see that we have got a clear commitment to equal opportunities demonstrated in this paper .
5 This may be because these goals have changed , but it may equally be because the social world for which the original policies were designed has changed .
6 If these do not yield results which support the hypothesis , it may either be because the experiments were ineffectively designed , in which case the researcher will - design some more , or because the hypothesis was invalid as formulated in the first place , in which case the researcher will reformulate it , and then work out what new experiments are needed to test it .
7 If an animal does not eat a food item at one moment but does later , it may only be because it was not hungry before , not because it has learned to see it .
8 If they say no , it might not be because they do n't like the sound of it but because their lists are already full and they are unable to take on any more .
9 It could also be because there was also a noticeable increase in the incidence of liver cirrhosis discharges during this period and the most liver cirrhosis cases are also caused by alcohol abuse in Finland .
10 It could n't be because golf carts — ’ he levelled a look at Nelson ‘ — are careening round the grounds with a complete lack of any regard for safety .
11 It could n't be because I am , I suppose ? ’
12 They decided that it could only be because Joan 's health was so poor in the fens that the professor was forced to move .
13 It could only be because they had something to hide .
14 Everyone knew how important punctuality was to Laura ; she believed if you arrived late it could only be because you had not started out early enough .
15 If she felt hurt at the realisation that his affectionate gestures had been no more than a front — well , it could only be because her ego was wounded .
16 It 's supposed to be dead , but it ca n't be because — look ! the tendon is moving slightly , the muscle 's quivering .
17 Certainly it would n't be because staff sit around the lounge at night and make guests the butt of practical jokes . ’
18 It would n't be because guests are being gossiped about , and even spied on through binoculars , would it ? ’
19 If I decided to play in it , it would not be because of $50,000 but because I felt better .
20 She had been right to say it was people like that who do terrible things , and if Timothy Gedge did do terrible things it would not be because he was different and exotic but because he was possessed of an urge to become so .
21 IF ENGLAND fail to win the Jawaharlal Nehru Centenary Cricket Trophy — the grand title ( which is accompanied by the unofficial suffix of ‘ Mini World Cup ’ ) presumably intended to persuade the public that they are about to witness something cosmic rather than just another one-day tournament — it will not be because of being under-prepared .
22 If the Tories lose , it will not be because of him , or the campaign .
23 It will mainly be because they have been in office a long time , and because of the recession .
24 But even if that 's true , it wo n't be because sighs are n't words .
25 They will say invest in whatever it is say Global Investment no it wo n't be because that 's tied to the Halifax Building Society but just say Global Investments as a name .
26 ‘ But if I take the job , ’ she blurted , goaded by the idea that he found her lack of sophistication amusing , ‘ it wo n't be because I like the house .
27 No , it wo n't be because they do n't do the , they do n't do an open afternoon if it 's a championship
28 If Tories are not flung to the lions in Blaenau , it can only be because lions are rare in the one-time mining valleys of South Wales .
29 But if you do , even though the evidence seems stacked against me , it can only be because you love me too , for that 's the only thing that could overcome a mistrust as deeply rooted as yours . ’
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