Example sentences of "it [vb mod] [verb] [adj] years " in BNC.

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1 It may take five years , he wrote , or it may take ten , or a hundred or a thousand , but sooner or later everything in the mausoleum will be affected and everything in all the other mausoleums in the city , and everything in all the other mausoleums in the country , and everything in all the other mausoleums in the world .
2 The activities of moth larvae feeding on the fur or feathers binding the pellets together result in their breakdown even in dry conditions , although it may take several years for pellets to completely disintegrate .
3 There is also the possibility that the invention represents only a modest ( but nonetheless patented ) improvement on the employer 's existing products ; hence it may take several years simply to recoup the research and development costs .
4 I thought it might take two years of training . ’
5 Eugene Steuerle of the Urban Institute , who also favours increasing the exemption , accepts that it might take many years to reverse the effects of its shrinkage .
6 He had been told from the start that recovery would happen , but it might take some years , so he felt their hopes were realistic .
7 Xerox Corp , figures , page five , says it expects the European economy to remain weak for the rest of the year , but Xerox forecasts ‘ some encouraging signs of recovery ’ in Japan for the remainder of 1993 ; the plan to leave the financial services business remains on track but it might take several years .
8 And there was a Yorkshire firm covered it covered that road tarmac or something they said , It 'll last twenty years .
9 The names on the Warwickshire team sheet are changing , and Bob Cottam 's statement that it 'll take five years to get it right is looking accurate .
10 It could take three years or even more , depending on the exact nature of the change and , of course , the priority given to it .
11 It would last six years and would cost , at their own rough estimate , three million six hundred thousand and a few odd francs .
12 If England 's trip comes off it would follow 10 years after they played the last official Test against the Springboks at Johannesburg and would be the perfect dress-rehearsal if South Africa 's strong bid to stage the 1995 World Cup succeeds .
13 He told a packed lecture chamber at Strathclyde University that the increase in CO emissions was now so large that even if there were a 1 per cent reduction worldwide from 2000 , it would take 100 years for levels to stabilise in the atmosphere .
14 But it would take many years before Nordhausen became a green town , many years before it could even start to ease back on the pollution it coughed on to its inhabitants and the surrounds in which they existed .
15 Thus if you set aside £25 per month it would take two years to accumulate the £600 minimum for the Gift Aid scheme .
16 It would take two years to decide whether the country would leave the Southern African Customs Union ( SACU ) , he said , but it was hoped that Namibia would be able to set up " a foreign exchange control system more liberal than the one which we must accept at present " .
17 Although admitting to the Kuomintang General Chang Fa-k'uei that he was a communist , he apparently persuaded him that it would take fifty years for communism to work in Vietnam ; and , in any event , it appeared that , of all the groupings of Vietnamese nationalists , patriots , émigrés and revolutionaries who were to be found in Southeast China , none of them was as dynamic as the Vietminh .
18 As I said , it would take fifty years before any decision we reach here , even made an impression on the one percent of land we do own .
19 However , it has been suggested that on the present basis it would take 46 years to clear the backlog in housing disrepair …
20 It was fully recognised by the Government , moreover , that it would take some years for normal conditions to be restored .
21 Yes , well just a postscript just to show to my earlier comments , I , I think this undertaking about street lighting will be met with some clarity over wide areas of Suffolk which have never seen a street light , er as far as I can recall the last figures I saw on this suggested that if we were to er carry out all the work that er parish is required it would take forty years to er meet the er thing , so perhaps it would be advisable for , for when this promise is acting on the
22 of businesses in the region use the line and that it would take seven years to electrify from the date of commitment , it is essential that this project is linked into the Bill .
23 It has been alleged that at this rate it would take 300 years to examine all the programmes outlined in Table 15.1 above .
24 In 1986 it was decided that it would take three years to complete the job , twice as long as to construct a new building .
25 The Immigration and Absorption Minister Yair Tzaban met the marchers 25 km outside Ashkelon , when he said that it would take three years to provided permanent housing for the 20,000 recent Ethiopian immigrants [ see also pp. 38174-75 ] .
26 If the world 's 1984 stockpile of nuclear weapons were compressed into bombs of the size dropped on Hiroshima , it would take 4,600 years to go through them all if they were let off at the rate of one a day .
27 A standard monetarist prediction of that decision would have been that it would produce two years of boom , followed by growing inflation and balance of payments deficit .
28 It will necessitate six years of construction work for 24 hours , seven days a week , which will render many of the homes in that district uninhabitable for substantial periods .
29 The survey points out that only three biotechnology medicines have been approved in the US during the past year and only 14 in the past decade , and at this rate , it will take 13 years for the 21 medicines now awaiting approval to be passed .
30 It will take four years for trials on the designer tree to be completed .
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