Example sentences of "it [vb mod] [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It may happen that individuals are taken over by the organisation and by groups within it , particularly where the corporate identity and image is a strong one .
2 Notwithstanding Bryden 's ( 1967 ) results , it may happen that subjects primarily attend to , as opposed to recall , information presented to the right ear in the absence of constraints to do otherwise ( Simon , 1967 ; Haydon and Spellacy , 1973 ; Levy and Bowers , 1974 ) .
3 Some people take exception to this on the ground that it may imply that women generally have weaker characters and are less responsible for their behaviour .
4 It may occur that Jenny write , writes something that is appropriate to T G I .
5 The term " user-friendly " is often misused but related to software for use in schools , it should mean that pupils of different ability and reading levels should be able to understand instructions and where possible , help messages should be fitted into the program .
6 Doubtless a sort of graphite derivative , it should ensure that tuning stays smooth and ping free .
7 Even if it should emerge that Moses survived longer than Methuselah and stayed alive in a monastery on top of Mount Sinai writing all the other later books of the Bible , including the Gospels , I would not be upset .
8 Miss Rene ignored Miss Belle 's remark and , turning again to Agnes , said , ‘ It should happen that Mrs Bretton-Fawcett had some bills outstanding and that she should at the same time require one or two hats for herself and an equal number for her daughter .
9 So it should happen that Mr Kirkley was at home when the guests arrived and was able to add to his surprise and not a little amazement when his daughter 's friend was delivered at his door by Raggie Aggie , for Aggie had long been a known character , she and her hand-cart , and now the pony-driven flat-cart ; and of course the fact that she was almost as broad as it was .
10 It should recognise that evaluation is potentially very threatening to those whose practice is under scrutiny , so procedures need to be devised to protect the most vulnerable .
11 If Hughes was relevant to the decision in Foakes it must follow that Pinnel 's Case was equally relevant to the decision in Hughes but it was not cited in the latter case and it would surely have been very surprising it if had been .
12 It must recognise that evil exists , not endemically in the corridors of power , but individually in the sinews of society .
13 It might appear that Mynne and his family had been ruined by a combination of the forest laws , the drive against exacted fees , and finally by backing the losing side in the civil war : yet their liquid assets must have been very considerable .
14 At its most absurd it might mean that companies could be sued for sending letters to the wrong address .
15 It might mean that the same ten pupils were absent for the whole week ; or it might mean that overall , five pupils were absent for a whole week , plus two pupils absent for two days , plus 21 pupils absent for one day .
16 Tess thought a good deal about the baptism , however , and wondered if it might mean that Sorrow could be buried in the churchyard , with a church service .
17 And , she thought with relief , if new evidence had turned up in France , it might mean that Veronica had had nothing to do with her husband 's death .
18 At first sight it might seem that Urban was hardly in a position to provide it ; he was without military resources of his own , and depended on such allies as he had to defend him against the Emperor Henry IV , who still refused to recognize him as pope .
19 At first sight it might seem that workers clearly gained from the onset of overaccumulation .
20 If women were much more likely than men to be in low status jobs , and if female employees almost never went absent from work , it might seem that people doing low status jobs were no more likely or even less likely than others to absence .
21 Was that because it could mean that Britain would have to increase the amount that we spend on overseas aid and development to match the contributions of other European countries ?
22 If such a telephone call was recorded by the person receiving it then it could mean that Reggie Kray had not broken any prison rules .
23 This relation is called SALES-ORDER and it could show that Lee ordered 12 of ‘ part number ’ 25 , Deene and Smith ordered 18 and 9 respectively of ‘ part number ’ 38 , and Williams ordered 100 of ‘ part number ’ 87 .
24 It could hold , as deism did , to belief in God ; it could believe that religion is a ‘ natural ’ and proper element in human life , and that spiritual and moral truths are preserved in the Bible and in Christian teaching .
25 Equally , with the use of appropriate figures , it would show that CDs become more liquid , the nearer they get to maturity , i.e. the nearer to maturity they get , the smaller is the loss or gain as a result of changes in prevailing yields .
26 To be fair to him , he had repeatedly hinted that , when the evidence was in , it would show that Pound 's contribution went far beyond the mere passing of judgement on particular passages ; and indeed it turned out that the very structure of the poem had been extricated by Pound , rather than conceived and composed by the poet whose name appeared on the title-page .
27 Husameddin 's circumstantial statement that Molla Fenari passed Ramadan 821 in the Zayniyya medrese in Cairo presumably derives from some source and , if true , would to some degree strengthen the case for Husameddin 's interpretation of the signature in so far as it would show that Molla Fenari did leave unusually early for the pilgrimage which he did not in fact make until 822 .
28 And in so doing , we must , of course , be aware of the risk of setting a standard which goes so far that it would mean that others — for example , the senile or the mentally handicapped , whom we would wish to treat if they were ill — were also included by it .
29 If so , it would mean that photoreception had been re-established .
30 We would regret having to choose complete independence , because it would mean that boys of ability from poorer homes could not afford to enter the School .
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