Example sentences of "it [verb] into the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It burrows into the subcutaneous tissues and spends up to 60 days feeding on them .
2 When it goes into the joint account .
3 Large quantities of frozen food are nowadays delivered regularly to stores and the Service must ensure that the temperature of the stock at the time of delivery is correct before it goes into the cold store .
4 She accepted the offer gratefully , feeling the train slow down even more as it cruised into the vast amphitheatre of concrete and glass that was the terminus itself .
5 It led into the plush office of Jacques Rust , head of UNACO 's European operation .
6 It plunged into the deep undergrowth on the other side of the path and was lost to sight almost before Mary recovered from the shock .
7 It 's very difficult , and I think that people involved in the Gardener Centre have , ever since its inception , found it quite difficult to work how quite how it fits into the overall Brighton scene , and I find it fascinating to look at the nature of facilities which exist in central Brighton and try and work out in one 's own mind how best he facility of the Gardener fits in with that .
8 It fits into the following part of the story , where the author describes her rich and rather spoilt heroine 's exit from a high-class antique shop in London 's West End : [ 4 ] " Charming ! "
9 The longer she gazed down , through the tendril of tobacco smoke , the more the meeting merged into the older , stronger established patterns and colours of the valley floor until , eyes half-closed , she saw it disappear into the ancient landscape …
10 In the 1840s , when coffee plantations were established on a large scale , it expanded into the central highlands .
11 In 1975 , it expanded into the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke .
12 Their behaviour was at times appalling ; when little they would spend long stretches of each class on the floor behind the benches , playing with bits of mercury , pricking it with needles and pen nibs , watching it slip into the coarse splintery cracks of the dusty floorboards , and forcing it out again , marvelling at the way it shrugged the dirt off its rounded shoulders .
13 The train groaned and eased its aches as it drew into the small station .
14 It seeped into the nearby River Lyd , and thousands of fish , insects and other wildlife died along a six mile stretch .
15 Then it cannoned into the other car , flipped over on its roof — and careered back into the motorway .
16 To a considerable extent it shades into the self-education function , especially if the latter is broadened to include practical matters ( do-it-yourself , cookery , sport , etc . ) .
17 It flutters into the unused grate .
18 THE CHEER that greeted John Lloyd 's seven-foot putt as it dropped into the 18th hole at Deal signalled Tonbridge 's second Halford Hewitt Cup victory in two years .
19 Few closing periods approach in breadth and sweep the ‘ Salve ’ concluding his five-part ‘ Salve regina ’ ; and long before the contrivances of the madrigalists , he could create in his six-part Stabat mater a mood of brooding , despairing introspection and melancholy that gathers an inexorable momentum and energy until finally it erupts into the startling , percussive outburst of ‘ Crucifige , crucifige ! ’
20 But it lashed into the enchanted forest with the whip of centuries .
21 The engine whistled as it came into the wide bay of railway lines beside the colliery , where rows of trucks stood in harbour ( 11 ) .
22 The gopher tortoise that lives in the southwestern deserts of the United States needs one as a shelter in which to escape the worst of the mid-day heat and it digs into the sun-baked ground with slow ponderous sweeps of its armoured fore-legs .
23 Why 's it built into the first life assured ?
24 It leaked into the French press by the morning of Monday , 9 December .
25 But when the time comes to close , this delicate balance between gleaming efficient machinery and the secret world of nature can relent the man made , now nature takes over , unfettered by schedules or the relentless hurry into the night shift , it creeps into the bare workings of the place and then it 's not the rest of the world within a world .
26 Making the appropriate product and ensuring it gets into the right hands are clearly critical elements in developing the market for older consumers .
27 But then if you did it at the stage before , before it gets into the Scottish Theatre Guide you can then make your dates available or you can agree your dates and you can get publicity and that at home .
28 It divides into the critical parent , the judgemental voice in our heads , giving us instructions and punishment , how to behave and what we should do ; and the nurturing parent who cares for us , and meets our needs , supports , helps and educates .
29 There is a lot of blood ; it looks red where it seeps into the white sheets , black where it quietly pools .
30 Take That have n't had an easy time of it breaking into the big time .
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