Example sentences of "it [verb] that [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 By 1871 , Oldham had more cotton-spinning spindles than any country in the world outside the USA and it maintained that position of superiority until 1937 .
2 the organ is quite one of my most favourite instruments — it has that combination of depth , harmony , majesty and spirituality that can raise the soul , bring joy to the heart and let one cast aside the ephemeral tedia of everyday life .
3 Those whose attitudes are negative and who consequently will have a powerful filter , even when they understand a message in the second language , will not allow it to reach that part of the brain responsible for language acquisition .
4 But although he was beaten for pace quite a few times , it seemed that alot of the time he was out of position .
5 Initially , it seemed that control of surveyors ' education would pass out of the hands of the membership of the Institution and into those of the academics .
6 A junior conveyancer is equally obliged to his or her own client , and if it takes that member of the profession a little longer , or if they need to consult with senior colleagues before agreeing to a particular course of action , then so be it .
7 Alright , now if we look at the , the rural instead of the urban wage rate , right , up here alright , now let's just say that it takes that amount of time before this individual gets a job in the urban area , alright , now if we discount alright the erm , the rural , the urban wages right , that 's all this
8 It began that division of agricultural England into a high-wage North and a low-wage South which is best known from Sir James Caird 's map drawn when the dichotomy was at its peak in 1850 .
9 It helped to develop valuable projects ; it utilized market skills in the implementation of schemes ; and it began that process of integrating central-government departments into corporate entities through which regional problems might be better addressed .
10 Section 7(4) imposes a duty on the disposal authority to issue such a notice where it appears that continuation of activities to which the licence relates would cause pollution of water , a danger to public health or are seriously detrimental to amenities of the locality , and can not be avoided by modifying the conditions specified in the licence .
11 His reasons for adopting Indirect Rule were never , in fact , made very explicit , though it appears that scarcity of administrative manpower , usually considered the determining factor , was not of major importance .
12 Overall , it seems that activation of PKC is not sufficient to induce LTP but is a necessary factor and may be specifically involved in the conversion of STP to LTP1 ( that is in the consolidation or stabilization of LTP ) .
13 Never again did it match that apex of prosperity that it reached during the brief nine years that Shah Jehan ruled from the Red Fort .
14 It took that length of time for The Times to reach Carewscourt from London , where it was posted every morning .
15 Hence , as porosity distribution and facies appear to be related , it follows that prediction of potential reservoirs can be made from facies maps , and even if facies interpretations are not available , reservoir prediction can still be done by identifying the zone of maximum thickness on an isopach map and extrapolating from it the distribution of facies and porosity .
16 It follows that fear of impending death felt by the victim of a fatal injury before that injury is inflicted can not by itself give rise to a cause of action which survives for the benefit of the victim 's estate .
17 Since all the terms in equation ( 5.6 ) except and are known at the end of period t - 1 , it follows that observation of the local price , , amounts to an observation of .
18 And that 's those dimples are the bottom are on the bottom bit of your spine so if the dimples are n't level it means that bit of your back is slightly
19 Before the cinema opened the men on the staff were given cigars to puff , so that when you came into the foyer it had that smell of luxury .
20 I mean it had that sort of look to it .
21 It had that quality of making you feel like an old friend who had visited there many times before .
22 It occupies that part of the spectrum between 0.4 and 0.7 m .
23 But if I 'm moving around slightly like this and you 're having to follow with your eyes as I 'm making my presentation it brings variety to it brings that bit of variety like you said earlier that it brings some interest to it .
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