Example sentences of "it [verb] for an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It provided for an executive President and a bicameral National Assembly , the lower house of which would be elected for a five-year term , with the upper house being partly elected and partly appointed .
2 But the slogan , however carelessly drafted , means something more than banality ; it stands for an attitude that is important and open to challenge .
3 It calls for an alliance between environmentalists , consumer organizations , churches and trade unions , but concludes that the real impetus for change will come when Southern countries challenge the North 's addiction to consumer lifestyles .
4 It calls for an end to the fighting , and re-asserts the OAS principles of non-interference in the internal afairs of other states and no military action against a fellow OAS member except in the case of aggression .
5 Frequently they are relevant and will be followed on appeal — but during the six months to a year it takes for an appeal to come to a hearing the minister could have changed , while the current appeals will have been lodged long before the words have been spoken .
6 It called for an investigation of the charges by a " neutral international investigation committee " or the International Court of Justice .
7 It called for an end to the Arab boycott of Israel , and for Israel to end the " policy of settlement in the Occupied Territories " .
8 It called for an end to our tradition of holding an annual conference .
9 David is concerned at the length of time he says it took for an ambulance to arrive .
10 Mead says that its mainframe was running at maximum capacity , but rather than upgrade , it searched for an alternative due to the rising costs of proprietary mainframe technology .
11 He said : ’ It provides for an expansion of treaty-based Community competence into areas of wage bargaining and social security that should rightly remain with member states ’ .
12 It remained for an establishment scientist , Thomas Young [ q.v. ] , to suggest in 1802 that the physical variable underlying colour is a continuous one , whereas Palmer 's idea of three discrete receptors is correct at the retinal level .
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