Example sentences of "it [verb] that [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It agrees that compulsory treatment in the community is unacceptable , but accepts that the ‘ revolving door ’ patient who regularly defaults from treatment presents a genuine problem of management .
2 It does not stipulate that the defendant has a right to win a lawsuit whenever and just because the plaintiff does not : it insists that neither side may have a right to win .
3 It insists that all research is totally impartial to give readers objective facts about products and services .
4 Though the Bank has accepted the report 's findings , it insists that continued support for the project is justified .
5 Nevertheless it insists that legal practice as a whole can be seen as organized around important legal conventions and this claim requires showing that the behaviour of judges generally , even those who are not conventionalists , converges sufficiently to allow us to find convention in that convergence .
6 His tax , known as a property tax , worked better because it realised that efficient assessment and collection were more important than raised levels .
7 The US Treasury began to experience a depletion of its gold stock , so in August 1971 it announced that official convertibility of dollars into gold was temporarily suspended .
8 It announced that Mexican drug enforcement agents in the USA were being ordered home immediately , and that US DEA personnel based in Mexico would have to cease their activities .
9 It decrees that intelligent life in some way selects out its own actual universe from a variety of possible alternatives .
10 In only one instance , the tobacco industry , has the MMC recommended companies actually be split up ; it recommended that Imperial Tobacco should sell its 42.5 per cent share in Gallaghers , but the Secretary of State did not accept this recommendation .
11 It recommended that more grammar school places be provided , and that financial provision be improved for pupils who remained at school after the minimum leaving age .
12 Also , it recommended that psychiatric emergency cover should be available every day of the week , and that a psychiatric history and examination be completed for each patient as soon as possible .
13 To start with , though his new car was an excellent and reliable machine , it lacked that complete superiority over its competitors which would have made it — as the Lotus , say , did for Mario Andretti — a necessary world-beater .
14 The Beveridge Report referred to both of these consequences when it argued that social security benefits should be of subsistence level only , allowing the individual , if he so wished , to make his own provision for higher benefits through voluntary insurance — which should also be positively encouraged by the government through tax allowances .
15 It supposes that this practice will serve the community better-bring it closer to what really is a fair and just and happy society — than any alternative program that demands consistency with decisions already made by other judges or by the legislature .
16 It reported that Romanian state institutions and factories were under intensified guard , and that the frontiers were closed to tourists .
17 If , as a result of its inquiries under s47 , it concludes that certain action should be taken to safeguard or promote a child 's welfare it must take that action so far as it is both within its power and reasonably practicable for it to do so ( s47(8) ) .
18 It concludes that British Coal should be able to compete with the price of imported coal while continuing to improve safety standards .
19 It concludes that intensive analysis of individual schools and classrooms is required .
20 The London Industrial Strategy ( Greater London Council , 1985 ) highlights some of these problems , and although it argues for a positive role for local authorities , in the end it concludes that national help and assistance will be necessary in order to have any major impact .
21 It found that little use is made of arbitration procedures , although there 's no evidence that consumers are so satisfied that they have no disputes needing to be judged independently .
22 It transpired that each woman had packed up her own cake to bring to the fête .
23 BR 's motive-power policy was rapidly turned on its head with the abandonment of two sacred principles : sectorisation saw the end of the common-user policy for locomotives and passenger multiple units : and no longer was it accepted that life-expired main-line cast-offs should spend their last days propping up secondary services .
24 Oakhurst , California-based Sierra On-Line Inc has cut its staff by about 10% and will take a $900,000 charge to cover the costs ; it warns that fourth quarter losses will be substantially greater than expected , based on current revenue projections at the Sierra Network combined with the lay-off charges .
25 It noted that increased activity by Inland Revenue officers ( investigating those who had not paid tax ) had yielded an extra 71.3m of revenue in 1990/91 , which was equivalent to 2p on the basic rate of income tax ( Johnson and Jack 1991 ) .
26 The Intervention Board withdrew the facility with six weeks notice , because it maintained , it was uneconomical it noted that last year the average weekly throughput for steers was less than four animals a week .
27 It added that national income rose by 1.9 per cent in 1989 as against 4.4 per cent in 1988 [ see p. 37020 ] .
28 I wish I 'd brought the environment committee before so I could quote from it but from er recollection it says that that organisation did not have a consistent record of producing a significant number of jobs and that the expenditure on funding them did not provide value for money .
29 And it says that prospective Depo patients need more detailed information of the drug 's method of action and side-effects if they are to give truly informed consent .
30 It says that other owner of PWRs are learning a lot about reactor safety as the clean-up continues .
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