Example sentences of "it [verb] to [pers pn] like " in BNC.

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1 I may be hard , but it looks to me like an excuse for not facing the real world — perhaps a welcome excuse . ’
2 I mean , she could have been er in love with Rochester but it looks to me like a beginning of an idea , you know , that er there are circumstances in which she er
3 It looks to us like Ralston 's Fruitshop , ’ Harriet said .
4 We must admit that it looks to us like a very good match , and it is only because she is marrying Steven that she has such an idealized view of what men and marriage are really like .
5 Every time he heard the sacred name pronounced by this strange voice , Henri thrilled with joy ; it seemed to him like a voice from beyond the grave , something mysterious and superhuman .
6 It was not just that he had gone off with someone else but he had actually gone off with a woman and it seemed to me like a betrayal of my identity .
7 It seemed to her like the anus of the entire factory : a black tunnel that extruded the castings , still encased in black sand , like hot , reeking , iron turds , on to a metal grid that vibrated violently and continuously to shake off the sand .
8 When Patsy had walked up the short avenue and looked at the square house with its creeper and its shabby garden it seemed to her like a house on the front of a calendar .
9 It seemed to her like an assertion of closeness to the dead Walter that she could not match .
10 Now it sounds to me like the final stages of a marriage : two separated parties , screwed to their own particular pieces of floor , uttering routine chatter while the rain begins to fall .
11 From the way this lady spoke it seems to me like , like a that , that sort of er organisation , from the establishment .
12 I do n't know , but it seems to me like a hell of a way to live .
13 It seems to me like the perfect time for a little humour . ’
14 But it seems to me like it 's passing the buck a bit in the way they 're just sort of taking responsibility
15 but it 's just it seems to me like , like the boys must be intimidated by girls who actually
16 They were very discreet but it looked to me like an assignation . ’
17 It felt to him like an hour before Nutty stopped Midnight again .
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