Example sentences of "it [verb] the [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When you pull this out and it goes the next time start it turn it over , rewind it to the front .
2 It represents the first extinction of a British mammal since the wolf was hunted out in the mid-18th century .
3 It represents the next stage in the company 's three-pronged approach to the market , along with the existing consumer PCS line and standard ‘ cost sensitive M300 series .
4 Like the rest of the glass , he wrote , it defies the second law of thermo-dynamics .
5 In 1990 it became the first company to offer on-line access to data from Companies House on all limited companies operating in the UK .
6 Under the reforms of Josef II , when the Jesuit Order was abolished , the Clementinum became a seminary under the supervision of the archbishop of Prague , and in 1799 it became the first Academy of Fine Arts .
7 Car 2 was presented to the National Tramway Museum at Crich in 1963 , where it became the first car there to move under power in June 1964 .
8 In February 1987 it became the first fluoroquinolone to be marketed in the UK under the tradename Ciproxin .
9 Previously active in the southern department of Cauca , it became the fourth guerrilla group to give up the armed struggle following the example of the M-19 [ see p. 37311 ] , the People 's Liberation Army ( EPL ) and the Workers ' Revolutionary Party ( PRT ) [ see p. 38094 ] , each of which had returned to mainstream politics .
10 It became the last stop for taking on provisions for the large convoys of merchant and naval ships crossing the Atlantic .
11 And for my taste it fulfils the first law of festivals — it 's fun .
12 Together with Caedwalla 's grant of land in Battersea in Surrey , also to the monastery of Barking ( CS 87 : S 1246 ) , it constitutes the first sign of an extension of western Saxon influence north of the Thames and an indication of potential development .
13 In Persia , the nationalist movement was anti-European and by 1906 it produced the first Majlis and a liberal constitution .
14 A strong challenge anticipated from the fiercely nationalist and right-wing Serbian Renaissance Movement ( SP0 ) failed to materialize : SPO leader Vuk Draskovic took only 20 per cent of the vote to come second in the presidential election , while his party took only 19 seats in the Assembly ( after winning 13 seats in the first round it fought the second round in coalition with other opposition parties ) .
15 I think the other possibility to take Stella 's point is that if there is a change that 's come up because of an audit , where a particular job has been audited and you know that within the next week or so another similar job is being audited , it may make sense to refer it 'til the next meeting , providing you 're not deferring it for a long period of time , to compar the results of the two jobs .
16 It covers the first item that I can think of to be prohibited from schools ...
17 It has the first research information and library service to be registered to ISO9001 .
18 Poet Software Corp reckons it has the first object database for NT ( CI No 2,176 ) , but Objectivity Inc is stomping at its heels with the Objectivity/DB Starter Kit for Windows NT , also claiming it to ‘ the first object-oriented database management system for Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT operating system ’ .
19 Poet reckons it has the first object database for NT , but Objectivity Inc is stomping at its heels with the Objectivity/DB Starter Kit for Windows NT , also claiming it to ‘ the first object-oriented database management system for Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT operating system ’ .
20 The other party forms the opposition ; criticises the government ; keeps its ear to the ground of public opinion ; and stands ready to form a government should it win the next election .
21 The secretary-managership of Leeds City had become vacant on the retirement of Scott Walford at the end of the club 's most disastrous season since it entered the Second Division eight years before , and the public looked with keen interest to see what effect the new man 's ‘ shrewd judgement and tactful management ’ ( Yorkshire Post ) would have .
22 The sociology of culture , as it entered the second half of the twentieth century , was broadly compounded of work done from these two positions , much of it of great local value .
23 [ T ] he remarkable thing about the British press , as it entered the twentieth century , was its resemblance … to the press of mid-Victorian times , in some respects to that of pre-Victorian times .
24 Commenting on its figures ( page seven ) , National Semiconductor Corp says it expects fourth quarter gross margins to improve over third quarter margins and that third quarter worldwide orders set a new record , up 40% over last year , and that it entered the fourth quarter with an improved backlog — record OEM orders more than offset seasonal weaknesses in distribution to give record orders for the Americas ; European orders were up while Japanese markets weakened slightly .
25 Lord of the Flies is a novel about English schoolboys marooned on a desert island — a Defoe-like subject , though unlike Crusoe it uses the third person — but reversing Defoe , it tells of their rapid descent into savagery , totem-worship and the childish joys of torture and terror .
26 With it came the first episode of Merseyside 's very own soap Brookside .
27 there was a communicating door in one corner of the room and from behind it came the third movement of the Mozart , which was working itself up to that frantic minor-key Turkish routine which I 've never thought a good enough ending for such a great beginning ; but then that complaint went for just about everything in my life .
28 It came the next day .
29 It says the last programme , so is it ?
30 I think it should be remembered that that public support actually was against a requirement of one thousand nine hundred dwellings , which is not quite the proposal being put forward by the County at the moment , but it is clear that there seems to me n not to be any public or great strength of public objection to the sort of proposals that are now before you in this enquiry , and it also seems to me that the reasons behind erm that that public support are essentially because it meets the first requirement of paragraph P P G thirty three , that the alternative expansion of existing towns or villages will represent a less satisfactory method of providing land for new housing that is needed , I think that is the essence of the public support , and so first of I think you can say that that 's that means that first criteria , and certainly it seems to meet the second automatically because it an expression of public preference .
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