Example sentences of "it [verb] out [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We now come to the second part of our programme , according to our agenda , which has the broad heading , Achiev N C V O Achievements and Intentions , and it 's obviously a natural follow-on from the I er , A G M which we have just completed , at which council received the annual report of N C V O's work for the past year , and its use of the resources which are available to it to carry out that work .
2 It is no good giving the United Nations a role and wanting it to carry out these measures on our behalf but not giving it the means to do so .
3 The difference between the two kinds of training is not as great as would appear at first sight because it turns out that task training has in common with skill training an emphasis on the perceptual side of human functioning .
4 ‘ Well , ’ says Howard , ‘ it turns out that Mishkin does n't actually have any money himself .
5 Thus it turns out that chapter 6 is concerned with the elaborate preparations for the ark 's return , and with its re-entry into Israelite territory .
6 The Pentagon was interested in the role of certain Commonwealth countries as well as Britain herself , nor did it rule out separate arrangements with the more important of them if necessary .
7 And one his suggestion was approved and tried , it wiped out all incidents of damage and robbery .
8 And when racism exploded in the eighteenth century — to justify slavery — it wiped out any acknowledgement of African achievements .
9 before it goes out front page , and the fifteen promises will no doubt will be noted by all who have an interest in our service .
10 The decree also declared that the union and republican governments should investigate ways of transforming inefficient collective and state farms into private or co-operative farms , although it ruled out compulsory dissolution .
11 Although the mainstream group , Fatah , made clear that it ruled out any question of subverting the Hashemite regime , other groups , of which the PFLP was the most notable , made equally clear their view that the overthrow of the Hashemites was a necessary preliminary to the recovery of Palestine .
12 There is also ‘ value-rational ’ ( wertrational ) action , where the goal is so dominant for the actor that it drives out all calculation or concern for consequences .
13 Has it enough working capital to enable it to wait out this period without becoming insolvent ?
14 Has it enough working capital to enable it to wait out this period without becoming insolvent ?
15 it conked out other day
16 because it 's only by that way that if , if he 's gon na need the grommets or something in his ear then he really needs to get it sorted out this year .
17 If it 's gon na plague him and give him trouble let's get it sorted out this year , even if it means that he has a little bit of temporary deafness for a little while , you know ?
18 It holds out worthwhile prospects in that lovely part of Shropshire .
19 but it could n't of been cos it came out last week
20 It has been standing in water all day , and it has been well scraped before it came out this evening .
21 Despite its low calibre , the weapon was hard to control firing on-full automatic , as it threw out 1,500 rounds per minute .
22 The production itself carefully suppresses those aspects of Shakespeare 's play which suggest that Henry 's endeavours are not somehow the shared desires of the nation — most notably it cuts out any mention of the English traitors in Act II .
23 It spits out four times the amount she asks for .
24 This is clever stuff because it rules out frustrating compromises , and you do n't need to carry around any extra bits .
25 This has not prevented their use in Europe and North America , where in any case the risk of infection is confined to relatively small groups , such as medical personnel ; but it rules out widespread use where a vaccine is most needed , in the Third World .
26 ON reporting to Chantilly on the morning of February 25th , Pétain and Serrigny found that ‘ the panic was at its peak ’ The fall of Verdun was expected momentarily , ‘ and everybody was saying that General Herr should be shot ’ Somehow it leaked out that Pétain had come from Paris , not Noailles , and the word was quickly passed round by those veterans of intrigue that he had first been to see the Minister of War , Galliéni , the implacable foe of G.Q.G. Doubtless the rumour helped augment the alarm in the air .
27 Today , I 'm sorry it turned out that way .
28 It turned out that radio astronomy of this kind looked at extremely low temperature regions .
29 It turned out that Morais and Bertelson obtained a significant advantage for those stimuli which appeared to come from the right side of space .
30 For it turned out that Pound 's poetry — The Cantos certainly but much of the earlier work also — could be understood and enjoyed only by those who had attended to Pound s criticism enough to grasp what it was that Pound was trying to do , or conceived himself to be doing , in his poetry .
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