Example sentences of "it [verb] to me [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have also had it explained to me by other feminists campaigning for equality of treatment of wives under social security laws , that their concern was only with the wives of claimants , not of company directors — thus accepting the DHSS principle that wives should be means tested on their husbands ' resources , regardless of the extent of their access to them .
2 And it 's it i Seriously , it has happened a few I in my experience over the years I can remember it happening to me at least half a dozen times .
3 It occurred to me at the time , ’ said Ian carefully , thinking that two could play at infant teaching , ‘ that it was candlelight , not , that is to say ’ — he managed contempt in his tone with no effort at all — ‘ electric light . ’
4 It occurred to me for the first time that he might not know whether or not I 'd lost the baby .
5 It looks to me on the plan ,
6 No one who has heard a 3-year-old , lately able to utter only single words , saying things like ‘ The difficulty with me is , I do n't want to go to bed ’ , or ‘ it looks to me as if my brother has been at it ’ can fail to toy with a Chomskian or Cartesian notion of innate ideas , the deep structures of language being in us from before birth .
7 It looks to me as if the situation was that the Inquisition would have liked to do nothing but was forced to do so by the detailed and documented evidence claiming that Galileo was in fact a heretic .
8 It looks to me as if there 's some system of getting service that you do n't grasp . ’
9 It looks to me as if someone tried to murder him , ’ whispered Dexter as an afterword .
10 It looks to me as if the Doctor manipulated Paula Engado 's feelings with a faked message from her adulterous lover Cheryl Russell to the effect that Cheryl would n't leave her husband , Sam .
11 And it looks to me as if you do , too ? ’
12 It looks to me as if we 've forgotten how to retreat .
13 He stiffened when he saw them and Devlin said cheerfully , ‘ Very pretty , son , but it looks to me as if someone 's been spoiling your good looks . ’
14 And looking at the traffic on the railways , it looks to me as if it 's all absolutely wonderful , hunkydory and everything else , so er unless you 're er er bl s No no no no all the trains right up to the er nine minutes past one Harrogate train er , and the four minutes past one Plymouth train , all seem to be bang on train .
15 And it looks to me as if you two lovely people were just made for each other ! ’
16 It looks to me as if it 's going to blooming rain again .
17 I may be hard , but it looks to me like an excuse for not facing the real world — perhaps a welcome excuse . ’
18 I mean , she could have been er in love with Rochester but it looks to me like a beginning of an idea , you know , that er there are circumstances in which she er
19 Certainly I have had it said to me by grieving , often very elderly , people : ‘ There 's nothing left for me now , I just want to be with my husband .
20 It smacks to me of having a brain that 's too active by far .
21 We carried on a rather halting conversation and it came to me with a bump that my mind had been forced on to different tracks since I had left her .
22 It came to me as a gift , a little black-faced lamb sent to me by the Batesons who were farming Briscoe at the time .
23 It came to me from her , ’ he said .
24 It came to me in a moment .
25 It came to me in a flash .
26 It seemed to me at the time that this fact did not square with claims that the Bible was inerrant .
27 It seemed to me at the time that the teachers of science at school , who had certainly shown themselves to be opposed to me were , if not actually off their trolleys , a trifle on the demented side and undoubtedly strangers to coolness .
28 Thus death has been ever close to me — so close that it seemed to me at times that I could reach out and touch it .
29 It seemed to me at the time that the Tanzanian Government feared that papers could be used as mouthpieces for dissident political groups anxious to advance their own positions .
30 It seemed to me at the time that I was doing something other than trying to keep myself warm .
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