Example sentences of "it [verb] to him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It occurred to him for the first time that Celia would be a bad enemy , just as she was a good friend .
2 It occurred to him as a possibility , for instance , that , prior to being ‘ kept alive ’ for ten days , Dobson might first have been murdered .
3 It occurred to him with a sudden pang that this was now in jeopardy .
4 How differently did it appear to him from the Berelands ' assessment !
5 It came to him as a Revelation , descending upon his mind in all its complex glory , that there was a man in the City in need of his help , and that the man — his name did n't matter-would free everyone as this awakening had freed him .
6 Leon Kennedy slumped in his chair , laughing , and it came to him with the same elegance as movement .
7 Thus one conspirator in the 1961 Great Heavy Electrical Industry conspiracy said : ‘ We understand this was what the company wanted us to do ’ , and another reported that , ‘ It ( the instruction ) came to me from my superior … but my impression was that it came to him from higher up ’ .
8 It came to him in the small hours .
9 It came to him in a flash .
10 It came to him in a flash .
11 Rereading one before he put it in the envelope , it seemed to him to be ill-organized , to have no coherent theme .
12 He was also working for the British Council , writing for foreign magazines and attending functions organized by the Anglo-Swedish Society or the Norwegian Institute , as well as seeing American G.I.s stationed in London — it seemed to him on occasions that every American sergeant wrote verse .
13 Ludens had , as it seemed to him with helpless fascination , seen , in the last days , perhaps more obscurely weeks , his feelings about Irina undergo a transformation .
14 Every time he heard the sacred name pronounced by this strange voice , Henri thrilled with joy ; it seemed to him like a voice from beyond the grave , something mysterious and superhuman .
15 But so also must it stand to him for warmth , for … affection .
16 It felt to him like an hour before Nutty stopped Midnight again .
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