Example sentences of "it [verb] [conj] any [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A more important problem with this treatment of the results is that it assumes that any particular rating means the same for all subjects .
2 At one point it seemed that any would-be London cabbie seeking to learn ‘ the knowledge ’ had only to memorise Ray Davies ' song output in order to locate any part of the Metropolis .
3 It states that any industrial action or strike called in any area of the union — the NUM is a federation of independent Branches , most of them geographically defined — must be sanctioned by the National Executive , or by ‘ a Committee … to whom the National Executive Committee may have delegated the power of giving such sanction …
4 This encompasses government imperatives as well as the management systems of the LEA and the school — it ensures that any clear sense of accountability , on the part of those at the ‘ production base ’ is improbable .
5 Second , it seems that any adequate account of language must include descriptions of abstract knowledge which makes production and comprehension possible ( see Chapter 1 ) .
6 These days , it seems that any musical anniversary divisible by five must needs provide an occasion for a major celebration .
7 However , the scheme only binds the company to which it relates and any financial assistance required from the target 's subsidiaries , for instance , will have to be dealt with by the private company exemption method .
8 It follows that any significant increase in the number of defendants who are committed for trial to the Crown Court instead of being dealt with by the magistrates will itself engender further delays and so add to the growing remand problem .
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