Example sentences of "it [verb] [art] more than " in BNC.

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1 That looks incompatible with gaucherie , and perhaps is , but it represents no more than the incompatibilities that individuals daily enact in their own lives .
2 Firstly , it represents no more than a proposal for reform of the internal structure of the public company and not an accurate description of how the board at present functions in such a company .
3 Volvo 's two-litre B200 engine had always been smoother than the bigger-bore 2.3 , but it made no more than an adequate job of hauling the corpulent 940 .
4 He knew so little about the serf question that at first he thought it involved no more than granting the peasants their personal freedom .
5 And he was there , making the impossible leap from the ground to the moving platform , ducking beneath the barrel of the cannon , waving his chainsword in circles as if it weighed no more than a walking stick .
6 Did it do no more than keep a subsistence economy running ?
7 There was an air-raid shelter in the front garden which at home would have provoked embarrassment and been subjected to vigorous camouflage with hardy perennials ; here it evoked no more than amused pride .
8 it costs no more than the news to enter .
9 The zeal does not always survive the pedestrian management structures of local government , and perhaps it takes a more than ordinary enthusiasm to persist after the efforts of economizing councillors under pressure to do something about the rates .
10 This finding is open to the criticism that it reflects no more than a difference between the two phenomena in their sensitivity — that the procedure in question disrupts some process common to both phenomena and that the latent inhibition procedure provides a more sensitive measure of this disruption than does the habituation procedure .
11 It seems no more than a charming anecdote , but when Professor Davie cites Bunting 's tale in Under Briggflatts , his history of British poetry since 1960 , he calls the incident ‘ challenging ’ .
12 At times ‘ the Shadow ’ becomes a personification of Sauron , as in Frodo 's remark about mocking and making quoted earlier , at times it seems no more than cloud and mirk , as when the Riders ' hearts ‘ quailed under the shadow ’ .
13 Sometimes a real sense of space is achieved , as on the second-millennium stele of Naramsin , where figures move up and down a tree clad hill under the stars ; but in general it seems no more than an alternative convention for the organisation of narrative over the surface .
14 Hachette says that Montana was a passive minority investor about which it knew no more than it had been told by Montana 's Swiss lawyer : that it represented investors from several Gulf countries .
15 He 'd hoped that it meant no more than that she was growing up and had become aware of herself as a young woman ; that as a consequence it was not quite the done thing for her to rush across a room and hug him like a kid sister , or trip him up in the haybarn and fling herself on top of him like a puppy spoiling for a game .
16 It took no more than a year before exhibitions of the works that he had brought out of Russia ( these being just part of what he had owned before leaving his best works to the Russian people ) began their triumphant tour of the prestigious galleries of Europe , America and Canada .
17 It was Mrs Robinson who served him his late breakfast and it took no more than the tapping of an eggshell to discover from that guileless woman that her husband had gone down to Lorton with goats ' cheese and potted char for the market men who called there on a Thursday .
18 As the company 's first venture into IT for financial purposes , it did no more than automate existing manual processes .
19 Everyone agreed that investiture by lay rulers conferred no spiritual power : it did no more than put a prelate in possession of the rights , lands , and secular dignities of his new office .
20 Designed to nip in the bud any incipient growth in villages , it was successful , so far as the city was concerned , probably because it did no more than sanction the existing situation , even though in the fifteenth century the trade had flourished at Hartlebury , which remained an important centre of the specialised craft of fulling .
21 The bill 's supporters , most of whom were Democrats , insisted that it did no more than enshrine into law the rights already guaranteed in Roe v. Wade , the landmark 1973 Supreme Court ruling which had established the principle of legal abortion in the USA .
22 The sun was shining at two thousand feet , but it did no more than lacquer the fog .
23 It had no more than a skeletal structure and embraced liberals as well as socialists .
24 Assuming that it is what it should be , it does no more than incorporate into law a moral right existing independently of the law .
25 If externalism is a sound stance , then the argument from error is irrelevant ; for it does no more than elaborate on a defective ( though traditional ) approach to epistemology or if it does more , it succeeds only in showing how that defective approach must lead to scepticism .
26 It does no more than demonstrate the fact that Sartre was assessing Nizan 's revolutionary novels via his own specifically existentialist vision of the novelist 's task .
27 Education must be an adjunct to rather than a substitute for psychotherapy , but it is worthwhile if it does no more than alert the patient to the dangers of behaviours such as laxative misuse .
28 True , this remedy contains more than an element of ‘ big brother ’ and it may be that it does no more than turn the criminals away from the areas covered by the cameras ' eyes .
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