Example sentences of "it [verb] [pron] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 But when I think about how I feel for you , it turns me into a Hercules and I feel I can conquer the world . ’
2 Total marketing and sales expenses increased as it turns itself into a market-driven company to $24.3m , up 45% .
3 For the first year or so it turns you into a kind of psychopathic animal and then suddenly , like a butterfly emerging from the pupa , you sprout wings , your heart opens , you become … charming .
4 WordPerfect for Windows Power Macros is one of those weighty ( 500+ pages ) books/manuals and although designed for the ‘ couple of steps up from a basic knowledge ’ reader , I did n't find it got me into the harder bits gently .
5 The former '80s high flier is already well on the way to digging itself out of the mess it got itself into a few years back .
6 It changed itself into a stream of electronic signals and dived head-first into the TARDIS . ’
7 You watch it peel itself into the sea .
8 That gesture was so unexpected and beautiful that it remained in Agnes 's memory like the imprint of a lightning bolt ; it invited her into the depths of space and time and awakened in the sixteen-year-old girl a vague and immense longing .
9 It places it into a context of back in the 1930's when people would gather early in the morning and wait for the foreman to come along and pick out people who look suitable for work that day .
10 it bundles you into the Baby Austin
11 In all this , remember that the phenotypic effects of a gene are the tools by which it levers itself into the next generation .
12 It takes a set of fragments and it forms them into a pattern .
13 Watching it takes you into the mind of Ramanujan as surely as a long look into his eyes .
14 Well the speeds it achieves wo n't actually take it into the air … but it takes it into the record books .
15 We are confident that IBM is indeed primarily interested in the morphing business even as it metamorphoses itself into a new and presumably reinvigorated enterprise .
16 I just thought it was erm I du n no , I ju I j just figured they were trying to get us to draw it draw it into a triangle . .
17 It 's very friendly And it followed us into the lane several times and then we 'd chase it back
18 It puzzled him into the New Year of 1961 that no one asked his opinion .
19 I do n't know what it was about , but I know that it shocked me into the sort of terror that I did n't know I was capable of .
20 They did n't have visitors because it sent him into a fury .
21 As she watched , it formed itself into a menacingly parody of his smile .
22 Then it formed itself into the semblance of a frown , the whole countenance becoming stern , implacable .
23 Mister Johnny ca n't bear to be teased , really ca n't bear it ] It sends him into a terrible rage .
24 This marriage was advantageous to him in that it introduced him into the local society but it was to last only three years , for in 1573 Jane died of smallpox at the age of 20 .
25 ‘ If you think I 'm standing waiting for a charging animal the size of a tank to reach me … how on earth do you grab its nose before it tramples you into the turf ?
26 ‘ Added to my millions it bonds us into a formidable team . ’
27 well have a square one , but where , half way up in between the fish pond and the lawn I was thinking of come in , in again with the edge both sides , sort of like , where it goes , where they go straight , come in sort of like plant two there or three there , two there , one there , you see so it does it into a point again , both sides you get two
28 It carried her into the park and only wavered when she saw the playground .
29 It works itself into the mind
30 But if you buy your child a toy gun will it turn him into an aggressive adult ?
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