Example sentences of "it [verb] [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Last month it agreed to spend £194.2m on the US-based ABS cheque-printing business .
2 These restrictions , which dated from a congressional amendment to the US 1974 Trade Reform Act , effectively precluded most-favoured-nation ( MFN ) trading status for the Soviet Union unless it agreed to relax restrictions on Jewish emigration .
3 The resolution also ordered " all States in which there are funds of the Government of Iraq " to transfer proceeds to a UN escrow fund , and undertook to return to Iraq all monies so raised if it agreed to sell oil under UN supervision [ see pp. 38942 ; 38788-89 ; 38838 ; 39026 ; 39115 ] .
4 First , it failed to take account of the fact that British industry at the time was undergoing traumatic upheavals and that the impact of this upon firms had to be recognized if the need to decentralize in the first place was to be understood .
5 In Aden Nizan had learned a simple and never-to-be-forgotten lesson : that to live one 's life , as he had since the age of twelve , with the sole objective of not being a loser was an inadequate response , since it failed to take account of the political and social structures which determined the real significance of such a project .
6 ( FCA ) of who had been found to be in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.32 in that in High Wycombe between 31 March 1989 and 14 June 1991 it failed to notify clients in writing of the amount and terms of commission received as a result of advice given to those clients and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 5.03 in that in High Wycombe between 31 March 1989 and 14 June 1991 it failed to give notice to its Bank that all money standing to the credit of its Investment Business Client Bank Account was to be held by the firm as a trustee or agent within the terms of the regulation was reprimanded , fined £l , 000 and ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
7 ( FCA ) of who had been found to be in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.32 in that in High Wycombe between 31 March 1989 and 14 June 1991 it failed to notify clients in writing of the amount and terms of commission received as a result of advice given to those clients and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 5.03 in that in High Wycombe between 31 March 1989 and 14 June 1991 it failed to give notice to its Bank that all money standing to the credit of its Investment Business Client Bank Account was to be held by the firm as a trustee or agent within the terms of the regulation was reprimanded , fined £l , 000 and ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
8 The LTE objected to the direction on the ground that it failed to have regard to the LTE 's financial duty under section 7(3) to break even so far as is practicable .
9 Last month , the IMF declared Honduras ineligible for further funds after it failed to repay debts of $16 million , bringing its overdue obligations to $26.5 million .
10 For example , when Kodak wished to set up a regional distribution centre in Nairobi , it failed to gain permission for ‘ green channel ’ facilities for the re-exports .
11 Sir Alfred had spent enough of Rubery Owen 's profits and was impatient for success ; BRM would be closed down if it failed to win races in 1962 .
12 Earlier , the US announced it planned to slap tariffs of 200pc on white wine and other produce from the EC because of its refusal to cut subsidies to its farmers on oil seeds .
13 Later in October the government confirmed a change in cocoa marketing strategy , saying that it planned to sell cocoa in relatively small quantities through the London market , with the aim of stimulating competition and securing an increase in prices , rather than seeking to obtain large-scale contracts with overseas buyers [ for January 1989 cocoa deal with French trading house see p. 36413 ] .
14 Trafalgar House , for example ( see ACCOUNTANCY , November , p 10 ) , does not appear to have breached any of the detailed requirements of the Companies Act or of accounting standards when it avoided putting £102.7m of write-downs through the p&l .
15 The second type of control is therefore also necessary ; it involves drawing inferences by comparing like with like .
16 It involves taking sperm from men and mixing it with their partner 's eggs which are replaced in the Fallopian tube in the GIFT technique — Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer .
17 It involves administering food in such a way that the patient can not taste it , and somehow assessing their mental symptoms objectively .
18 It involves making judgements about how people will and should behave on the basis of gender stereotypes believed to be determined by their sex .
19 The second reason why playing the numbers game with female and male psychologists does not work is that it involves equating women with feminists .
20 It rubs hoarding space with Howard Hodgkin , whose paintings sell for a million pounds and more .
21 The oil spilt from the Braer was unusually light and toxic , and this , combined with fierce storms which mixed it into the seawater and caused it combine to form clumps with fine particles churned up by the waves , meant that rather than floating to the surface , as is normal with spilt crude oil , it was carried by ocean currents far from the spill site and later redeposited in deep " sumps " on the seabed .
22 Remarkably , its arguments began to sound like those of the Central Electricity Generating Board , as it sought to cast doubt on the very existence of an acid rain problem .
23 First , it sought to strip Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction ; next , it authorized international humanitarian relief inside Iraq for the Kurds ; and finally , it contemplated limited sales of oil to finance innocuous causes such as essential imports , the payment of reparations and the cost of maintaining a UN inspection team .
24 Most of the Party 's agitational work was devoted to the very small number of local kolkhozy , as if , like Catherine the Great , it sought to derive comfort from over-concentrating on its equivalents of Potemkin 's model villages .
25 The court found that as practice by the defendant as a consultant could not injure the plaintiffs ' professional business , the clause was too wide in that it sought to encompass activities in which the plaintiffs did not have a legitimate interest .
26 It sought to overcome conflict within capitalist societies by encouraging Christian leaders to reconsider Leo XIII 's suggestion of introducing ‘ industrial associations ’ .
27 Let me hasten to say that in many schools , particularly in the West Riding , fine education took place , but far from it helping to increase drama in schools , it had the reverse effect for two reasons : ( 1 ) it appeared once more to be something that could only be handled by a specialist — this time a P.E .
28 Another factor is whether or not the death of a plant or animal necessarily coincided with the point at which it ceased to exchange carbon with the environment .
29 It gives them an excuse to use the riot vans — and it beats booking drivers for speeding .
30 It involved exchanging ore from his new McCamey 's Monster mine for manufactured goods .
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