Example sentences of "it [verb] [noun] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It offers shops for everyday needs and is ideal for visits to the famed sights of Tuscany .
2 It produced forecasts for various markets , and said those showed some were clearly earmarked for success in the future while others should be taken on only by those with a ‘ real taste for a challenge ’ .
3 It would have surprised Claudia if Dana did have any money ; she earned a great deal but spent it as fast as she made it , and , while it made sense for Roman to bring her under his wing , Claudia resented it fiercely .
4 Thus , given that there might come a time when forces were available for deployment in the Middle East , it made sense for American diplomats to encourage what friends and allies they could to hold the line in the interval .
5 It involved support for international economic expansion promoted by the USA and for agreements between European governments in reviving trade , particularly with countries of the Eastern hemisphere .
6 There the exemption clause , according to its wording limited the liability of some seed merchants ( for supplying defective seed ) to the cost of replacing the seed ; it excluded liability for consequential loss of the buyers ' crop .
7 It was not thickly populated or well defended , but it was much larger than the islands the English already held in the Caribbean , so it provided land for English emigrants for some years .
8 The BBC did not report the election at all until polling day , but it provided time for nightly talks by party leaders , up to half-an-hour in length .
9 Regeneration of energy back into the industry was healthy and it created jobs for young people in the industry ’ .
10 When we look at the normalisation movement we can see that it has implications for professional approaches , but it will be argued that the concept itself has been open to more than one interpretation leading to differential impact on professional practice .
11 With growing assurance it mounted pressure for constitutional democracy based upon universal , equal , secret , and direct franchise .
12 It transferred responsibility for means-tested benefits for the unemployed to this national organization in 1934 , added similar benefits for the elderly to its responsibilities in 1940 , and added most other cash aid in 1941 .
13 It appoints auditors for local authorities to ensure probity and promotes improvements in economy , efficiency and effectiveness .
14 It includes provisions for full nomination of subcontractors , for fluctuations which can be calculated in a variety of ways , and for partial possession by the employer .
15 It includes licences for on-line and CD-ROM versions of the SunSolve problem and support database .
16 It includes licences for on-line and CD-ROM versions of the SunSolve problem and support database .
17 Because of the potential breadth of the language in which the section is drafted , it affords scope for injudicious policing ; considerable common sense and restraint on the part of the police will be called for in the application of the section .
18 It takes time for UV to penetrate all the way through the etch-resist , so a thicker coating of sprayed-on resist will require a longer period of UV exposure .
19 Does it have castors for all-round access ?
20 Now I , I mentioned that you , you 're a , a neurosurgeon , we were talking about neurosurgery , but does it have applications for other parts of , of medicine ?
21 What made this trade especially useful was the small extent to which it depended on re-exports and the very great extent to which it brought markets for English manufacturers , especially in woollen and worsted textiles of the lighter and cheaper kinds .
22 Simple laboratory tests were able to show the acutely toxic effects of large doses of organochlorines , but it took years for high concentrations to accumulate in belugas that had consumed large quantities of lightly-contaminated food .
23 Heathrow is rapidly turning into a ‘ hub and spoke ’ airport with international passengers using it to change planes for other destinations .
24 But at the same time , it increased risks for national governments , both as helmsmen for the national economy and as the ultimate authority responsible for maintaining or improving the creditworthiness of the state as a debtor seeking finance from the system .
25 The Great Comic Relief Vegetable Plot has been sent to all the schools in the country and Emma hopes as many as possible will stage it to raise money for Comic Relief .
26 Informix is the first with a DRDA product : it introduced Informix-Gateway for Distributed Relational Database Architecture last month .
27 It runs courses for young people to enable them to become familiar with a range of occupations .
28 It provides support for multiple databases , which enables applications to be processed at the client or the server , depending on the user 's requirements .
29 First , it provides safeguards for detained persons and provides for their proper treatment with the object of ensuring that they are not subjected to undue pressure or oppression .
30 It provides opportunities for professional development through research .
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