Example sentences of "it [verb] [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 If it goes at different times , it 's a different consignment .
2 The knowledge which it produces at any time is tentative and always open to challenge by further evidence .
3 The knowledge it produces at any time is tentative and always open to challenge by further evidence .
4 it 's only last night , I did n't know if you could hear , it come on three times and they were nobody there !
5 It has for some time been considered a most urgent need to extricate mentally handicapped children from long-stay hospitals and stop their admission to them , and there has , as a result , been a sharp fall in the numbers of mentally handicapped children in hospitals .
6 By far the most popular location in recent years has been the Netherlands , for the very good reason that it has for some time offered by far the best deal .
7 The twentieth century has seen the growth of a considerable literature on management as an acquired skill and it has for some time been possible to obtain academic management qualifications .
8 It has at all times been an act of faith and a declaration of belief , the faith and the belief that a society and a nation will fare best , in this world and the next , where the most promising of its youth are withdrawn at a critical period of their development to spend several years in close and intimate proximity with one another and with those whose talent and delight is the pursuit of knowledge of all kinds for its own sake and the communication of that talent and delight to their successors .
9 The North Berwick line enjoys a spectacular claim to fame because it has at some time or other in its history been powered by every possible form of motive power ; horse , steam , diesel and electricity .
10 Neither do you 'ave to pay a hundred quid like I 'eard it cost at one time . ’
11 In the United States average productivity rose by about one-third between 1955 and 1970 , in Japan it rose by five times and in Europe it doubled .
12 Right it seems to me a lot of people are sitting down , there 's five weeks to go , you 've got to get it made in that time , assembled , so come on let's get some more cutting lists please .
13 Just a word about the Oxford goal ; I saw that , I saw erm Andy Melville score it , I was most surprised to hear it overruled at half time .
14 What accountability rests on is that those particular representatives of the local authority have the opportunity to ask any question and have it answered at any time during the three hundred and sixty five days of the year in which we operate , and they are in a specially privileged position to challenge , or question , or talk about , or have answered — any particular point with regard to the work we 're involved with .
15 Not only was it situated centrally , but it hosted at that time an international exhibition which was considered an attraction for delegates .
16 And he said well just get yourself home and tell your father that I want it paid for this time because I only replaced that glass last week , which he had
17 The only difference is , that erm if you return to work in a part time capacity , and it amounts to half time or more , then you will subsequently be asked to undergo a medical examination .
18 Firstly , the feeling for the tradition is very strong in the village ; secondly , Gawthorpe is an ancient settlement — its history can be traced back to a Viking chief named Gorky and there is evidence that it existed in Roman times ; thirdly , the original custom was to bring in a new May tree each year .
19 They may range from a brief mention of a thirteenth-century tithe barn near the manor house , to a fully detailed true-to-scale plan of a building as it existed in earlier times , but which is now changed .
20 It rang about three times this morning before you got here
21 Leave until it rises to three times its initial volume , then cook in a preheated oven ( 220C/425F/Gas 7 ) for 30 mins .
22 For too few directors does pay fall by as much when performance sags as it rises in good times .
23 bottle of wine and I drunk it you see , watching the match , and Jim done the dinner I said fuck it I 'm having my dinner in here cos , did n't it go into extra time ?
24 It contained at that time 23 houses .
25 During the 19th century , however , it fell on hard times , and was turned first into a warehouse and then a restaurant .
26 David O'Leary had another reason for the lack of flair : ‘ Once it went to extra time everyone was afraid to make a mistake .
27 The family and marriage , in the particular form that it took in Victorian times , was , for the great majority of Engels 's contemporaries a sacred , eternal , and unchallengeable institution .
28 This allows the company to use its own assets as the security for credit but retain the ability to deal with those assets itself as it wishes until such time as the creditor takes steps to enforce his security .
29 Egypt offers dazzling contrasts of desert and rich pastureland , architecture older even than the mud-built villages where life continues much as it did in Biblical times .
30 While acknowledging that there were some schools which had built up a good range of resources and had successfully integrated their school library with the teaching and learning taking place in the school , it appeared at this time that many demonstrated one or all of the following basic problems :
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