Example sentences of "it [verb] [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 It is economical because it allows a high temperature to be maintained in just a small area , and useful as it encourages speedy germination of seeds and rapid rooting of cuttings .
2 Lying next to it is a Wand of Fear which extracts a special cost for use : if a spellcaster picks it up , it drains one point of T permanently from that spellcaster and is then attuned to him , and will function normally .
3 Emeryville , California-based Sybase Inc is also getting in on the act , saying that it has licensed IBM Corp 's Distributed Relational Database Architecture and plans to use it to support distributed unit of work access between IBM databases , and Sybase SQL Server and Open Client and Open Server applications .
4 Emeryville , California-based Sybase Inc has licensed IBM Corp 's Distributed Relational Database Architecture and plans to use it to support distributed unit of work access between IBM databases , and Sybase SQL Server and Open Client and Open Server applications systems pay $150,000 for full distribution rights .
5 It is no surprise to discover its presence , since it must surely belong to a very early stage in the mental development of the human species ; indeed insofar as it represents one aspect of the principle of treating like as like , it can be seen as common perceptual property for all sentient organisms .
6 It represents another arm of holiday firm diversification .
7 As we have seen , this involves far more than the language being used ; it involves pre-existent knowledge of the world .
8 It involves regular inspection of every church , and embraces not only the fabric of the buildings but their contents and churchyards .
9 It involves detailed description of what is actually said and done by the participants .
10 It involves detailed examination of commercial records and discussion with virtually all company functions that come in contact with the products and markets to be analysed .
11 It involves careful placing of the services to meet and match the client 's family network as far as possible .
12 The crucial feature of the market as a coordination device is that it involves voluntary exchange of goods and services between two parties at a known price .
13 However , it thinks some kind of contact will be forged over time and expects a port to the company 's DRS6000 Unix box to materialise in the not too distant future .
14 It offers extensive coverage of the previous sitting-day 's events in the Commons , both in the Chamber and in committees ; it also reports the debates in the Lords .
15 It offers little discussion of some topics and is not controversial ( contrary to the claim on the back of the book ) .
16 As a particular strength , it offers broader coverage of specialist vocabulary — from medicine to computers , journalism to aerospace — than any other advanced learner 's dictionary .
17 BELOW Before this building on the banks of the River Thames in London was constructed , the site was excavated ; it produced important evidence of a Roman quay ( see reconstruction on the previous page ) .
18 He then began adding back one food per day and when he included instant coffee it produced another bout of severe depression .
19 An amino acid is a chemical sub-unit of a protein , and ultimately everything that happens in a cell it produces some kind of protein , so you can see that erm the triplet or produces erm which is one of the , one of the er amino acids and so on and there are also punctuation marks U A A or U A G means stop , as does U G A , so when , when a R N A template running through a gets to a sequence which reads , where was it now , U A A it stops reading because it knows it 's got to the end of the gene .
20 At the meeting the SOC finally ceased its efforts to amend the UN draft plan so that it made explicit mention of " genocide " , in reference to the appalling human rights record of the Khmer Rouge government of the late 1970s .
21 It made brilliant use of a difficult site and united station and thoroughfare in a most satisfying way .
22 It made good use of two colours and presented a clear financial summary showing how each pound of income was used .
23 It made short work of our Windows performance tests , WinTach , clocking up an impressive index of over 9.3 .
24 We know if it made any note of where we 're meant to be going .
25 It involved quick learning of the part , for she would have to appear at the matinée ; but in fact there were few lines to say , and most of the acting involved being laid on a sofa by a young man and proposed to , after various adventures which were mostly physical .
26 It excluded any mention of the virgin birth .
27 By 1871 , Oldham had more cotton-spinning spindles than any country in the world outside the USA and it maintained that position of superiority until 1937 .
28 It provided year-by-year evidence of prevailing trends in public health .
29 As such it provided further evidence of a more flexible North Korean foreign policy arising in response to the momentous changes in Eastern Europe , and to South Korea 's recent successes in establishing relations with socialist countries .
30 If this were so in the present case , he concealed the fact with remarkable aplomb ; but my impression was that he rather welcomed this degree of personal contact , as if it provided some sort of relief from the heavy intellectual conversation repeatedly forced upon him .
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