Example sentences of "it [verb] [adj] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 It became possible to argue that although the GDP had undoubtedly continued to grow under the Tories , and more rapidly than in Britain 's past , the jerky ‘ stop-go ’ process was helping to weaken the relative position of the British economy on the world market , a position which bad become exposed with the dismantling of the imperial trade preferences and the progressive liberalisation of world trade after Bretton Woods .
2 Although it became heretical to deny that God could have created other worlds , it was as dangerous to say that He had .
3 Once youth was seen to figure in that problem , it became illogical to suppose that it could be kept separate from the collectivist response .
4 This is crucial to my theme because the concept of the unity of mankind could only become a fully meaningful idea when it became plausible to suppose that there was no hitherto undiscovered , unmapped , corner of the world where man-like but sub-human creatures might still survive .
5 And if it seemed surprising to reflect that the supremely versatile Hampshire trainer has not yet struck in our Classic races , it was even more incredible to learn from the man himself that Dead Certain 's victory in the richest two-year-olds race ever run in this country was his first success in a group one event .
6 It seemed reasonable to suppose that such benefits could be applied to other districts of the city without necessarily designating housing improvement schemes .
7 Since the logic of this eluded most people , it seemed reasonable to conclude that he was belatedly paying the price for arguing with an umpire .
8 In all fields , there was still much that was unknown : in Herbert Spencer 's philosophy , and in Tyndall 's Belfast address , there was room for the unknowable ; but it seemed reasonable to hope that under pressure from inquiring minds this would shrink , if not ultimately wither away altogether .
9 Because of the poor response to gluten free diet and the presence of lymphoma it seemed reasonable to consider that the malabsorption was as a result of an enteropathy associated with the lymphoma ( EATCL ) rather than simple coeliac disease .
10 Quite apart from any other difficulties , it seemed implausible to suppose that a statement about a red rose in the dark did have exactly these or those consequences for possible observation .
11 But writing the first edition in the midst of the Common Market discussions of 1972 , it seemed appropriate to remark that Britain decided some 200 million years ago to remain with Europe rather than depart with North America .
12 Having in Scotland lost the vote for the ordination of women to the priesthood , it seemed profitable to argue that women should be ordained to the diaconate ( that is to say be made deacons , not simply deaconesses ) .
13 How could she not have known she was in love with him ? she wondered — it seemed impossible to believe that she had looked at him , touched him , made love with him , and not known until yesterday .
14 To many of them it seemed abhorrent to suggest that the Mosaic law was other than final .
15 Further research revealed that in 1414/15 an Andrew Forshey had been chosen as one of two men to represent the borough in parliament , and it seemed sensible to hazard that a man of this standing would have held property in the area , for he would have been unlikely to have been elected by his fellow bailiffs , with the assent of the whole community , if he had not been of substantial material worth .
16 Looking across the " alley to the scars of North Hush , it seemed hard to believe that these deep gouges in the earth were manmade and were not the result of some massive upheaval in the earth 's crust .
17 To those observers looking on it seemed hard to believe that the average IQ of the room 's inhabitants was 149 , and that they had more honours between them than a collection of top class civil servants — and to think that they had been reduced to such a pitiful state as this .
18 It was against this background , namely that it seemed preposterous to suppose that a.b could ever be other than equal to b.a in any consistent algebraic setting , that Hamilton looked for more than 10 years for an extension of complex numbers suitable for application to the physics of 3-dimensional space .
19 The forces of federation and supranationalism were in disarray , and at the time it seemed natural to conclude that the whole momentum of European integration was lurching to a halt , in particular because the EDC debacle had opened up a rift between France and West Germany .
20 ‘ Although it seemed natural to expect that some word match scores should be good enough that they could be considered correct , thereby eliminating attempts to find alternatives to them , in fact all attempts to implement such an intuition seemed to have led to at best indifferent results and usually to positive degradation .
21 It sounds terrible to say that you are still looking for cigarettes , ’ he said .
22 It sounds fantastic to say that one can be enamoured of a season , but that is something like what happened : and , as before , the experience was one of intense desire .
23 It sounds promising to say that these sentences stand to wonderings and wishes very much as factual statements stand to beliefs .
24 ‘ I know it sounds bizarre to say that when someone has made an awful lot of money and had a lot of fame and adulation , but you can wreck their minds , you can wreck their self-ego and esteem by giving them the whole wrong picture of themselves by pretending they are good at one thing when they are not and boosting other things .
25 As I 've already said , it takes some believing that your agents could have unearthed anything worth killing for .
26 It appears reasonable to claim that a man without the capacity to put himself in another 's place could not understand a moral appeal ( even if he should happen to be a law-abiding man who accepts commands and prohibitions on external authority ) , just as someone incapable of shifting temporal viewpoints could not understand an appeal to his future interests .
27 From the small number of neonatal stomachs examined it seems that the distribution of parietal cells remains constant after birth , and so it appears reasonable to assume that a definite change in distribution of parietal cells must occur during the third trimester .
28 However , it seems impossible to deny that each of us also has a sense of a self , or a centre of awareness , somehow within and integral to our ongoing experience , and such as to give a kind of unity to it .
29 It seems logical to suppose that wilder and wilder swings must in the end get out of control .
30 Human life is a series of lessons and opportunities for development and evolvement and to me it seems logical to assume that one spirit continues its learning process throughout many lifetimes .
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