Example sentences of "it [verb] [adj] [noun] into " in BNC.

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1 In Shklovsky 's view , Sterne 's Tristram Shandy consists of a series of violations of literary conventions which draw our attention to the forms of fiction ; in so doing it transforms formal questions into content .
2 It offers fascinating insight into the history of machine as well as hand made lace .
3 Novell Inc reckons it has four paths into the Unix market : NetWare , NetWare for Unix , NetWare NFS and Univel Inc .
4 However , its task is made much more difficult by the fact that derogations granted to the Welsh water authority allow it to pump raw sewage into both those rivers .
5 We have also shown that TCR- α expression is irrelevant to these processes , but together with TCR- β rearrangement and expression it allows further differentiation into mature , CD4 or CD8 SP thymocytes expressing high levels of αβ TCR and CD3 .
6 The first is that it introduces more subjectivity into the accounts .
7 In fact , in regard to whom it allowed free entry into Britain , the 1971 Act differed mainly in the words used .
8 It divides this book into two also .
9 Particularly if dissimilar investments with different time scales are in competition for funds , the NPV method has merit in the general case , because it takes these factors into account .
10 particularly if dissimilar investments with different time scales are in competition for funds , the NPV method has merit in the general case , because it takes these factors into account .
11 And still , after Crime and Punishment , the idea of a confession novel or story tugs at the edge of Dostoevsky 's vision , and continues to do so for the rest of his life in the form of The Life of a Great Sinner which he planned on the scale of War and Peace , but which never got written though it fed previous material into his novels of the seventies , and especially Karamazov at the turn of the next decade .
12 She pulled the white cord so tight it cut red weals into the white flesh .
13 Their evidence was a bit messy , but it breathed new life into the debate .
14 Like other unions we suffer from the severe loss of members due to unemployment and we are appalled at the devastation of family life when the breadwinner 's been sha cast on the scrap heap and the behaviour of the government it throws whole communities into depravity without a chance of any hope for the future and their children .
15 Using the Temple as a short cut was also forbidden by Jewish Law and yet the priests turned a blind eye to it because it brought more trade into the Temple .
16 Trapping data into files in this way can be extremely useful because it changes ephemeral data into a permanent list .
17 Among those offering concrete commitments were National Westminster Bank , which said it took environmental issues into account when considering loan requests [ see ED 58 ] , and the Austin Reed clothing company , which claims to encourage its suppliers to meet environmental standards .
18 What the company has also been at pains to do it allow local input into its products .
19 ‘ They object to nuclear power on the grounds that it releases radioactive nuclides into the air .
20 The bid-ask spread was so large that it converted significant profits into significant losses .
21 We have also made it absolutely clear that we will ensure that our deterrent is effective and absolutely credible , and that it puts real fear into any potential aggressor about the damage that he could suffer if he were to attack this country .
22 Meribeth often recommends standing up to make important telephone calls because it puts more energy into the voice .
23 In it he said that the Scottish financial sector did nothing to help the country 's economy , that it benefited only a selected minority , and that it put little back into Scotland .
24 This Act is very important in the commercial world ; in addition to being a very comprehensive regulator of contracts of sale it implies important terms into contracts such as requirements that the goods must match their description , be of merchantable quality , be fit for their purpose and that the seller has the right to sell the goods .
25 The elicitation of free recall after oral reading supports their suggestions , as it gives fascinating insights into the thought processes of the readers .
26 Present hyper-text provides mainly for small , simply structured documents and , in the way that it concentrates on factors at the human — machine interface , it gives good insight into the capabilities needed for a full hyper-medium system .
27 The Guide-lines Commission interpreted an ambiguous statutory injunction that it take correctional resources into ‘ substantial consideration ’ as a mandate that its guide-lines not increase prison population beyond existing capacity constraints ( Tonry 1988 ) .
28 Or at least with the way it converts internal formats into PostScript .
29 Fishbourne ( Cunliffe 1971 ) is an important site here : although many of its mosaics are very early , and so outside the scope of this paper , it provides invaluable insights into the origins and development of British mosaics at a time ( c. 75 A.D. ) when the majority of designs were borrowings from the continent and native schemes were just emerging .
30 It provides considerable insight into the eventual difficulties of the early twentieth century mass production methods as exemplified by the moving belt type assembly line .
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