Example sentences of "it [verb] [adj] [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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31 Hence each enforcement authority ( i.e. local trading standards department ) now has power to serve a ‘ suspension notice ’ upon a trader where it has reasonable grounds to think legal safety requirements have been infringed , section 14 .
32 Staff at the Commission have claimed that it has insufficient funds to do this .
33 Seymour Cray has been left holding the baby at his struggling Colorado Springs-based Cray Computer Corp : Neil Davenport has resigned as president and chief executive , saying that Cray Computer had reached the point where it has appropriate resources to complete the Cray-3 so he is free to seek other opportunities — but the company is still seeking its first firm customer for the supercomputer .
34 The government of the day will often let it be known to one of its aspiring party members that it would greatly welcome his ballot victory to promote a particular piece of legislation which it , the Government , does not wish to devote its own time to , either because of its controversial nature or simply because it has better things to do .
35 Time itself is finite — a government will not devote it to passing less desirable and more controversial laws when it has better things to do with its time .
36 Surely it has better things to do than worry about such matters , and Professional Conduct Committees and indeed , the Joint Monitoring Unit , should be concentrating on cases of misbehaviour or improper conduct by its members .
37 A world transfixed by the horror in the Balkans is entitled to feel it has better things to worry about than what is not happening in the Middle East .
38 The European Commission will have to review and approve or otherwise IBM Corp 's proposed acquisition of Compagnie Generale d'Informatique SA : it has four weeks to decide whether the alliance could harm competition in Community markets ; if it has ‘ serious doubts ’ about the transaction , it will then launch a deeper , four-month probe .
39 It has antiseptic properties to help fight pimples , acts like a cleanser because it draws dirt out of pores , yet at the same time it moisturises and softens too .
40 The rattlesnake is a more formidable enemy , because it has infra-red detectors to see in the dark and makes virtually no noise as it glides along .
41 Although our productivity compares well with coal industries in Europe , it has some way to go before it is at the level of some of the coal industries outside Europe .
42 support among GPs , so it has some way to go in winning the argument .
43 It has fewer benefits to dispense than previously , yet is faced with a plethora of interests , each of which is unwilling to moderate its demands in the interests of all .
44 It can be easily executed from either the leading foot or the back foot , but a roundhouse kick delivered from the rear leg is the more powerful , it has more time to gather speed .
45 It has enough equipment to help reduce the workload .
46 Seymour Cray is still hopeful of bringing his crippled Cray Computer Corp safely in to land , and this week told shareholders that the pay-off will come not with the Cray-3 , but with the Cray-4 the company is developing — ‘ People who predict that things ca n't be done — I guess I do n't have time for them , ’ he told shareholders sternly — ‘ That 's the challenge that I 'm willing to accept in trying to do things that ca n't be done ’ ; the Cray-3 was launched last month , a decade after Cray started work on it , but the Cray-4 is expected to offer twice the performance at half the cost , and the company hopes to demonstrate it by year-end ; it says it has enough cash to fund operations into September and says it is working with two investment banking firms on fund-raising strategies .
47 It is hoped that this chapter will not be dismissed as an arid academic ground-clearing exercise , since it has important things to say about the most appropriate way to approach the subject of the book .
48 They have called on the Northern Regional Health Authority to issue a categorical denial that it has any plans to merge 15 health care districts into six super districts .
49 T-I has also denied it has any plans to close down Dowty 's headquarters in Cheltenham and move jobs T-I 's HQ at Abingdon in Oxfordshire .
50 Behind Hurd 's selection of a specific group of Arab states is the assumption that the Arab world as a whole can be ignored , since only part of it has any role to play in security in future .
51 I favour a long-reaching front guard because it has less distance to travel before it strikes the opponent , and it is able to intercept attacks closer to source .
52 Today the functions of a local authority almost invariably involve the expenditure of money and it is clearly established that a local authority may not spend money unless it has statutory authority to do so .
53 The cooperation of the Austrian government has allowed it to garner political capital to help promote Austria 's bid to join the EC .
54 All I was told is that you 're getting twelve months guarantee , but you 've got to have a three thousand mile service , and as the gentleman said erm I recorded the deliveries and sent them all back and on the third one , when I took it in I asked if they 'd put a new set of points in for me and erm unfortunately when it came out there was no compression at all and because because I it was suggested that I dug my heels in a bit and got an independent report and erm basically they told me to get lost because it cost fifty pound to do the report .
55 It cost 60 francs to send a ton of freight from London to Braila , on the Black Sea , by ship ; to take it the much shorter distance from Vienna to Bucarest by rail cost 160 francs .
56 It helped fourth-century Christians to come to terms with the paradox that the privileged , wealthy , and powerful post-Constantinian church actually was also the church of the martyrs .
57 The solar wind carried its own magnetic field , and as this sweeps past it causes electrical currents to flow in the Moon .
58 It features patterned papers to buy by the sheet : 20in by 25in is £4.83 ( first quality ) , £2.41 ( second quality ) : or you can buy it made up into boxes , albums , desk sets , lampshades and photo mounts .
59 As the media caught on to this aspect of the cult , it caused some skins to leave the movement and more violent people to join it .
60 The children 's toy market is big business — worth £3 billion a year , it uses vast resources to make and package its products .
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