Example sentences of "it [verb] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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61 For it represents another step in the royal progress towards real life .
62 That is why , on the costing basis , we are right to say that it represents another 10p in the pound on basic income tax .
63 It represents another arm of holiday firm diversification .
64 It represents positive results in 75 per cent of games , with 32 wins by the home side and 22 by the visitors .
65 It laid great emphasis on value for money auditing and recommended that all health authorities establish value for money teams whose role would be to effect annual savings which could be used for improving services .
66 It displays forty-eight coats of arms , in three lines of sixteen .
67 In recent years , however , the canine colon has become a standard model for colonic motility studies and , although it displays some kinds of contractile activity not seen in man , it has been useful for investigating neuropharmacological interactions .
68 The team certainly lived up to its reputation as it whipped first place from under the noses of the Golden Wonder team at the end of the last game .
69 Lep Group , the transport business which is attracting increasing US investment , fell 16p to 149p after it announced interim profits of £9.5m against £5m .
70 The electricity distributor yesterday cut tariffs by 1pc for 1.3m customers as it announced pre-tax profits of £111.2m .
71 The electricity distributor yesterday cut tariffs by 1pc for 1.3m customers as it announced pre-tax profits of £111.2m .
72 Last week it announced first-quarter contributions of £11.1m from CMB — the result of the £900m merger between Metal Box and the French Carnaud company .
73 It involves close cooperation between central and local authorities and is designed to ensure that large scale developments bring the greatest possible benefit to the areas in which they are sited through , for example , the use of local labour and materials .
74 This position requires strong written and verbal communication skills as it involves close interaction with synthetic chemists , biologists and biochemists in addition to the other members of the Analytical Chemistry Group .
75 As we have seen , this involves far more than the language being used ; it involves pre-existent knowledge of the world .
76 It involves regular inspection of every church , and embraces not only the fabric of the buildings but their contents and churchyards .
77 It involves regular tests on grass , water , even cows milk .
78 It involves all aspects of erm the law in relation to firearms , their issue , their use er great emphasis placed on er section three of the criminal law act in respect of the use of reasonable force .
79 Professional Footballers ' Association spokesman Brendan Batson said : ‘ Paul spoke to us following his injury , but because it involves two members of our association we have to adopt a neutral position .
80 This process is particularly interesting because it involves two types of irreversible physicochemical changes ( problems in a general subject area that has recently seen the award of the Nobel Prize for physics to Pierre-Gilles de Gennes ) .
81 The remarkable thing about Daryl Runswick 's operatic project , following a tradition set by Britten himself and acknowledged as such by the generous support of the Aldeburgh Foundation , is that it involves whole classes from primary and middle schools around Suffolk , not just the few so prematurely labelled ‘ musical ’ .
82 As a forum it involves larger numbers of working-class men and women than any other form of adult education in Britain , and it appeals to them as representatives of a wider movement of working people , banded together into continuing and accountable organisations .
83 It involves detailed description of what is actually said and done by the participants .
84 It involves detailed examination of commercial records and discussion with virtually all company functions that come in contact with the products and markets to be analysed .
85 It involves careful placing of the services to meet and match the client 's family network as far as possible .
86 It involves national teams of four/five historians and will result in a book to be published in all three countries in 1993 .
87 The crucial feature of the market as a coordination device is that it involves voluntary exchange of goods and services between two parties at a known price .
88 Thus it involves massive amounts of reporting , in person or on paper , to keep everyone up to date :
89 This might be called a ‘ metalinguistic ’ strategy since it involves self-conscious reflection on words — their history , their etymology , even sometimes their spelling .
90 It involves constant disturbances of equilibrium ( disappearance of products in consumption and deterioration ) and a constant re-establishment of equilibrium ( the products reappear ) ; but this re-establishment is always on the old basis .
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